Friday, March 31, 2017

Homework for the Weekend - A Day Edition: 31 March

Advanced Russian:

Russian II and III - I gave you exercises to review the new grammar that you're learning, which was not assessed on today's quiz. Please complete the exercises as well as you can. We will review them on Tuesday in order to review the content. For Russian III - these exercises/concepts are particularly important as they'll help a lot with the next grammar point - participles.

Russian IV - Please try to finish reading White Nights this weekend. Keep looking for new and useful vocabulary as well as interesting sentences, especially those that challenge you and show where you need to spend time preparing for the AP Examination.

Russian I:

Please spend the weekend studying your vocabulary for Chapter Three - this will be useful if you want to reassess on the vocabulary section of today's quiz. We will review verb conjugation next class as well before we dip our feet into the new grammar content - forming plurals in Russian.

English II:

Use the study guides that you completed today in order to prepare for your test on Tuesday. Remember that you'll have an essay question on this test as well as sentence answers. There will be questions about: characters, plot events, literary terms (irony, climax, conflict, etc.), Greek culture, and themes.

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