Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Homework for A-Day Students: 3/12/2014

AP English III

There are a lot of things for you all to accomplish over these next few days.  First, you have your research paper outlines due next class.  Remember that the key elements of this assignment are that I see your:

  • argument (DADS) thorough and complete
  • use of source material with parenthetical citation and bullets/sentences commenting on the source and its use in the argument
  • a full MLA works cited page for all source material, indicate non-print sources
  • the topics into which you have divided your argument
  • any questions for me 
Be sure to submit this tomorrow from 7:00 to 3:00 in your envelope with your original proposal.  Also, you will have reading to the end of chapter ten as well as your group teaching assignment.  The emphasis here is on the teaching assignment, not on chapter ten, if you don't finish, that's okay, but do move toward completion.

Furthermore, next week will be a bit special for us.  We'll only have class on Thursday due to the ACT make-up for the whole school on Tuesday.  To this end, aim to have chapters ten through twelve complete by Thursday, March 20.

Russian I

You have one more group of exercises to complete in order to finish your work and review on the PREPOSITIONAL CASE, after today, as I've said, you basically know all there is to know about the PC except for plurals.  We haven't done any plurals except in the NOMINATIVE CASE.  For tonight, complete the exercises noted in class for another completion check on Friday/Monday.  Also, be aware that you will only have half of next class in the library to work on your Soviet Republic project.  Work effectively with your partner to complete this work.  Presentations will fall on the 20th and 21st.  I look forward to this day.  Our quarter exam will fall on the 25th and 26th.  And we will spend time next week preparing and reviewing for this.

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