Monday, March 10, 2014

Homework for A-Day Students: 3/10/2014

AP English III

Hopefully we're at the end of winter and we won't be missing any more days due to snow or weather.  With that being said, here are your reminders for tonight and really to take you through the week.

  • Next class you will have your assessment on Invisible Man.  Remember that you will have identifications (quotes/objects), a personal response related to a moment of the text which was challenging for you, and then finally an essay on a pattern which you have seen between these various African American authors (Baldwin, Lorde, Hurston, and Ellison).  However, you may choose to draw on another author (MLK, Twain, etc.) to develop this essay question as well.
  • On Friday your groups will present on your chapters.  Be sure that your group has a visual aspect to guide the conversation.  Also be sure that you get to the end of chapter ten by Friday's class.  The teaching will be used to launch into the next chapter under consideration.
  • Thursday your research outlines are due.  Make sure to follow all of the requirements which I gave you last class.  Turn in your proposal as well as your outline in the envelope on Thursday.  You will have until 3:00 PM and then it will be considered late.  You must turn in a hard copy, electronic copies will only be accepted with prior approval.
Russian I

Today was our Prepositional Case day!  Hooray for the Prepositional Case!  It's important to explain where things happen.  For tonight, you have seven exercises to complete using the prepositional case.  Be sure to use the charts within the pages so that you can develop your knowledge here.  Do the exercises on a separate sheet of paper and be ready for a completion check next class.  We will then review some of the exercises before we move on to our research projects on the former Soviet republics!

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