Monday, January 11, 2016

11 January 2016 - Homework - A Day Students

Russian II/III

All of you should be preparing for your performance task on Wednesday which is the writing of your letter.  Remember that you can prepare your note cards with vocabulary to help you compose your writing assignment and bring that with you on Wednesday.  It looks like many of you have a good idea around your writing, just don't forget the basics.  If you want more one-on-one help with your writing, please see me tomorrow (Tuesday).

Russian I

You should focus on the studying of your cases and verb conjugation rules for your exam since those are the two areas bringing many of you down.  Next class we will be doing some writing for our exam.  We will first begin with some translation work, then after lunch you'll be writing for me in Russian.  Keep working on your family writing to prepare for this since you'll be doing one of the paragraphs in this timed writing environment.

Don't forget that for all of you that there will be the test on Friday.  If you miss the test on Friday you will only have Tuesday morning at 7:00 to make up the exam.

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