Friday, May 1, 2015

Homework for the Weekend - A Day Students - 1 May 2015

Russian I and II

С праздником товарищи!  Happy holiday comrades!  Remember that today is a Russian holiday - May Day - or the holiday of spring and labor.  How much more communist of a name can you get, right?  For the weekend you have your journals to write.  Remember our phrase:  Все свое ношу с собой!

Beyond your journals you've all been learning some new grammar concepts recently which should be practiced this weekend.  Review your system of plurals (both regular and irregular).  For Russian II, look at your new information related to time.  As always, try to write using these concepts to help you learn them more thoroughly.  Both classes will have unit assessments coming up soon - it's a great idea to start preparing now.

English II

I've decided that you all having more time on your outlines is a good thing in advance of writing the essays.  So, that being said the full outlines of your essays are now due on Thursday - the same day as your quiz on our unit.  While all of you are writing your quiz, I'll be grading your outlines.  Remember that for the outline you need to have three specific examples/topics that you'll use to prove your point about remembering tragedy.  Remember to use the films and books we've been studying as your topics.  Explain to me why you think these films or texts are good ways to remember tragedy?  What makes a movie better than anything else?

As I've said throughout the whole process - the idea is that you need to be able to prove that you are right by using examples.

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