Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Homework for B-Day Students: 26 April 2017

AP English III:

Remember that reassessments of your research paper are due to me on Friday. You will need to turn in the original paper as well as the new paper for me to be able to track changes and see your improvements. I will update grades as I see fit. Make sure that you meet this deadline so that you are able to improve your grade and finish getting feedback before the AP Examination.

Next class we will continue our work through the Articles (up to Article V) - make sure that you are reading and annotating by keeping the key questions in mind as you continue to work through the Constitution.

Also next class we will begin to work on our Amendment as Argument project by completing research. Please read over your instructions form and read your selected Amendment carefully to prepare for our research.

English II:

Today you received progress reports which outline any missing assignments. If you have anything that needs to be turned in or made-up (like a quiz or a test) please make sure that you are working to complete that ASAP. Remember that we only have TEN classes remaining.

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