Monday, April 24, 2017

Rainy Monday Homework - 24 April - B Day Classes

English II

There's no official homework for tonight since we had our major vocabulary assessment today in class. Next class we will continue watching Spirited Away and transition to India.

AP English III

Today because of the multiple choice we did not really have the chance to begin the work on the analysis of the US Constitution the way that I wanted. That's okay though - there's always tomorrow.

For our next class, make sure that you have thoroughly read and annotated Article One and Article Two with the main questions in mind. These questions again are:

  1. What are the powers outlined within each section?
  2. Who gets to exercise those powers?
  3. How does the organization of the section as well as of the article as a whole allow us to understand the priorities of the Founders?
  4. How does the article as a whole present an argument and evidence? How does this relate to the argument presented by the Preamble?
  5. What relationships are emphasized in this section?
You'll also want to take a look at the Amendment as an Argument project and the Amendments themselves. You'll either have one or a small group that go together. It may be worth your while to go through and familiarize yourself with these pieces so that you can make an informed choice next class.

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