Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Homework for B-Day Students: 29 September 2015

AP English III

For tonight you have two major things to accomplish and bring with you to class on Thursday.  First you have your rough drafts of your argumentative essay.  The rough drafts should be approximately half of your final draft.  The final draft is five to six pages, so this should be two to three pages.  For the rough draft workshop make sure that you have your introduction, conclusion, and one whole topic written out in paragraphs.  As we have spent several days discussing, one topic does not equal one paragraph.  Consider your transitions between different elements of your topic and make a point to me.

Secondly for Thursday you have your vocabulary cards.  Remember that these come from your vocabulary bookmark.  Use the resources in the previous post to complete this assignment.  If you can't find a part of the card, then say so - don't leave anything blank on your cards.

Lastly, make sure that you have reviewed the final two chapters of Grapes of Wrath to finish our discussion that we started today.  You'll need to purchase/find a copy of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in the next few classes, so go ahead and get one sooner rather than later.

English II

For homework tonight you should be preparing for your quiz on Gogol's "The Overcoat" and the poetry of Anna Akhmatova.  The topics you need to study are in the previous post.  Make sure that you are highly prepared - remember that I pushed this back so that you could get yourself more ready.

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