Monday, October 10, 2016

Homework for B-Day Students: 10 October 2016

English II

Your homework is the same as the previous post.  Be studying your vocabulary and review The Boy Who Dared so that you are familiar on everything up to page sixty-seven (this includes everything we reviewed today).

If you didn't do the research on KRISTALLNACHT on youtube, make sure to finish that tonight and turn in your research cards next class.

AP English III

Next class you will have your first AP Timed Writing.  It will be an argumentative prompt.  There is a way to study for this type of assessment - and I'll list that for you below.  Ms. McCormick and I are really looking at how well you can construct and prove an argument.  How well have you learned all that we have taught you this quarter about writing.  To prepare you should:

  1. Review your bootcamp notes - especially related to your Rules for Good Writing and your Arguments.
  2. Take a look at the AP rubric that outlines a level 9, 8, 7 and so forth.  Make a checklist of what you need to do to get a level nine.  If you fall a bit short, you may end up at an eight.
  3. Remember how to prove and explain your argument from your evidence.  It's important to have the evidence paired with convincing explanation.
  4. Review the sample prompt we annotated as well as the student samples.
On Friday we have our next chunk of reading due.  Be prepared for that.  If you didn't do well on today's annotation check, learn from your mistakes and stop procrastinating on your reading.  Maybe next time we'll have an annotation check and a reading quiz.  Why not?

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