Monday, March 18, 2019

Homework for B-Day - Monday - 18 March

AP Seminar

Today in class we had a really productive day of watching a mid-scoring IMPOD (good to give ourselves that to contrast from the other), some critical discussion, a review of outlines, and then independent working time. Remember that our final assessments of the quarter will fall on these last two days. Here's a review of what they are:

1. Elevator Pitches - Minor Grade - Have you stated your question? Stimulus document connection? Solution or argument for a solution? So What? How does this affect real people? You'll get ten points for your answer for each question.

2. Outline Conferences - Major Grade - Take me through your outline and show how you've addressed each row of the rubric. You'll receive ten points for each element of the rubric.

Be prepared for the end of the quarter. Remember that drafts of IWAs will be finished when we return from break!

Advanced Russian

Today in class we spent time reviewing our case functions and plural declensions (Russian II/III) before going on to a discussion around the importance of selecting the appropriate aspect when using modals to express needs, permission, and refusals. Remember the importance of aspect and knowing how to navigate your pairs as we are working through this Russian IIIs.

Tonight for homework you should practice with our new skills by completing exercises for practice. Russian II have exercise 7.1. Go through and apply your case declensions. Do not do any Genitive Plurals - this will be our focus when we return from Spring Break. Russian III should complete exercises 9.7 and 9.8 to play with aspect and modals requiring aspect.

If you have any missing work or low scoring work, be sure to see me this week to complete those assignments or reassessments. You can also see me this week with rubles or Falcon Feathers to raise your score.

Russian I

Today in class we focused on how pronouns and question words (who/what) change to represent the various cases in Russian. Remember that words will change in order to show their full function in the sentence. I think that chanting the case forms is a great way to memorize them (and to sound like you're possessed in Russian). Complete exercise 2.16 as a way to practice with this work. What pronoun do we need? What case do we need? Use your chart to make the appropriate changes.

Additionally, remember that this is the last week of the grading period. The final two assignments for this quarter are our viewing guide on Office Romance and our floor plan projects. Everything should be turned in ASAP so that it can be recorded for you.

As always, please get in contact with me if you need anything!

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