Friday, March 15, 2019

Homework for the Weekend - A-Day Students - 15 March

AP English III

Good work today in class with our presentations on The Grapes of Wrath as well as our discoveries about Steinbeck's various purposes in the novel as he creates antagonists. I was very happy with what we were doing in class; please continue this work at home as you keep reading. Over the weekend please complete Chapter 7. Don't forget to finish your motif chart for this chapter as well. Additionally, you'll want to read Amy Tan's "Mother Tongue". This piece really focuses on the idea of language/identity/stereotypes. Consider how this piece and Eighner's help us to add complexity to our understanding of others - especially the poor and people who speak with a non-standard English.

The other major work relates to our research papers. Everyone will be required to submit a rough draft (50%) on Tuesday. Remember that if you conference before Tuesday, you will just bring your draft to your conference. We've already had several successful conferences. Be sure that you are ready and prepared to finish the Quarter!

English IV

After a bit of a rocky go yesterday we had a really great and productive day today. Lots of good learning, and I am always so happy to see you all reading and enjoying your books. Remember this weekend to keep reading to get at least to page sixty in your books. This is especially important if you've fallen behind or missed class.

Additionally, remember that this is the last weekend of the grading period. We need to make sure that tests are complete and that everything we wanted to resubmit is in.

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