Friday, March 22, 2019

Breakwork - B Day Students - 22 March 2019

And now we have all made it. I'll have all the grades updated and finalized before I go with the exception of any AP Seminar students who need to do elevator pitches after break since we didn't have time today in class.

AP Seminar

Over break you should all be actively working on your IWA and IMPOD presentations. It is important that you return to school with a good working rough draft. I would use the IWA checklist as you are going through this process to make sure that your work aligns with the task. Also be sure to use your rubric and all of the discussion we have had around the rubric to help you with this.

Remember that presentations will occur about two weeks after we return to school and all IMPOD presentations will be due on the first day of presentations.

Advanced Russian

Over the break we should all be focused on resting, recovering, and spending time with vocabulary and grammar skills. Break gives you a great chance to work on things at your own pace. I would recommend spending time with your projects - Russian III students should have the project on recipes and cooking over the break. Russian II students should put together a solid draft of the project so that we can focus on corrections.

The other work is to study and review the process of forming the Genitive Plural. Go to Google Classroom and find Exercise 7.7 and complete the declensions!

Russian I

Today in class we finished our culture work related to vocabulary, culture, and finishing our grades for Quarter 3. Once you left class, all of the work was turned in. The grading period is now over.

Over break I would suggest following up on your vocabulary as well as on your grammar skills. We'll have the Unit 2 Exam not too long after we return from break. Probably the second week. It'll cover cases with nouns, adjectives, pronouns, and the skills on verb conjugation too. I'll have a study guide for you when we return from break for what you'll need to study.

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