Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Homework for B-Day Classes: 12 March (ACT Day)

Dear Juniors - I hope that you felt prepared and that you served the ACT what it wanted. I hope that the work we have done related to writing and critical reading helped you. Now, on to the announcements.

AP Seminar

In class today we had a significant workday geared toward our IWA outlines. By the time we leave for Spring Break (next Friday) you and I should have sat down for an IWA OUTLINE CONFERENCE. This conference will be a major grade. We'll discuss your outline including the question and answer, as well as the way in which you are using your source material to argue for a solution or resolution.

Beyond this, the only other assignment we'll have in Q3 is an elevator pitch. These will occur next week. Everyone will be expected to deliver a 1-2 minute elevator pitch in which you detail for your classmates:

  • What your question is. 
  • Its connection to the stimulus pack.
  • Your answer or solution.
  • An element of SO WHAT - Who is impacted? Who is affected? Why does the question or answer matter?
Keep in mind that the first draft of your IWA is due when we return from Spring Break.

Advanced Russian

Today was an enrichment day in Russian. We focused on writing and discussing the weather (Russian II) as well as our recipes and foods (Russian III). As we worked today in Russian III, there was a lot of discussion around related grammar topics like time expression, genitive counting rules, and the other related grammar needed to work through recipes.

Tonight, you should study and prepare for your quizzes on Thursday. The quizzes will focus on vocabulary as well as on uses of the dative case. Be prepared! Be sure that if you weren't in class today that you are prepared to move forward with your recipe projects or grammar skills.

Russian I

Today in class we spent about 80 minutes studying for our quiz on Thursday. By studying we were active. We matched dominoes to practice with the idea of agreement between words with gender and case. We also did some writing and translating about our houses - to write one of our paragraphs. Tonight, you should keep that going.

First, use the example/model paragraph and complete the work on writing about your house. These paragraphs are due on Thursday. While you take your quiz I'll grade your paragraphs and return them with notes about corrections. Final floor plan projects are due on Monday. This is the last project grade for Q3. If you see that you have other missing or low scoring assignments, you may want to see me with rubles to add extra points. 


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