Monday, March 11, 2019

Homework for A-Day Students: Monday, 11 March

AP English III

There is no point to studying for the ACT at this point. The best thing that you can do is review your notes and preparation for each section, pack your bag for tomorrow (snack, calculator, pencils, water), and get a good night's sleep. Mint is good for memory - maybe a cup of mint tea in the morning to help you out.

Here are our big reminders for class. They're grouped in terms of reading and then our research papers.

On Wednesday we'll be discussing a non-fiction text, "On Dumpster Diving" by Lars Eighner. It's attached here, and it's also available in 50 Essays. Read the text and consider the presentation and discussion of the poor in this text. How do you see necropolitics related to the poor and homeless? What textual connections can we make between this text and The Grapes of Wrath? Remember that Wednesday is a PLC Day - so we'll likely just have time for Eighner. You have reading in Grapes due on Friday (Chapters 5-6) and we'll have our first run of presentations (Chapters 1-6).

In terms of your research papers outlines should be completed and shared by the end of the day today to be considered on time. I'll start marking outlines and rubrics tonight. Our next deadline is our rough draft and conference. Remember that we'll begin conferences on Thursday. I'll post the signup sheet on my door tomorrow. You must bring a 50% draft to your conference in which you present your introduction/argument and at least one topic. This is your final grade on your research papers this quarter.

English IV

What a great day to do some reading outside! I really appreciated the work that we did to study and review our protagonists to understand key ideas about them like their beliefs, key ideas, and the people that they trust.

At this point we are wrapping up the quarter. Be sure that you've completed all your assignments, that you've put extra credit on anything that you want, and that you have reviewed and revised any assignments that are low scoring. The quarter ends on Friday the 22nd.

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