Thursday, March 14, 2019

Homework for the Weekend - B Day Students

AP Seminar

Over the weekend it's really all about the IWA and the outline. It's time to put it together, to keep researching, and to keep writing. Remember that the more that you write, and the more content that you generate, the easier it is to move through the editing and refining process.

Be sure that you are using the rubric, the sample documents, and the activities we complete in class to help you with all of this. I'm available a lot during class and outside of class for anything that you need. Remember to use me as you need me.

Russian II/III

Today in class we had our vocabulary quiz on Unit 7 and Unit 9. I'll have these scored and back to you on Monday. If you would like to resubmit the quiz, please study and review this weekend and see me next week. Over the weekend it would be a good idea to review your PowerSchool and to complete any missing assignments or to budget your rubles that you may have for extra credit on low scoring assignments.

I'll be collecting your viewing guides on the film on Monday. They should be completed. The film is available on YouTube if you need to go back and watch anything.

Russian I

This class looked a lot like Advanced Russian today. We took a quiz and then we watched more of our film - Служебный Роман - to complete part one. Your viewing guides are due on Monday. They should be complete. Remember to add the final paragraph response and answer in at least an ACES paragraph:

Who is your most or least favorite character in the film? Why do you have that opinion of them?

It would also be a good idea to complete the drafts of your floor plan paragraphs this weekend. We'll have some time on Monday to write, but really the writing should be mostly revising.

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