Saturday, March 9, 2019

Homework for the Weekend - B Day - 9 March (Saturday)

Sorry for not posting yesterday everyone - it was a long day of training, and I just forgot. Here are your reminders for Tuesday.

AP Seminar

Thank you to those of you who emailed or got in touch about question development and conferencing. I will be available to finish conferences on questions Monday and Tuesday before class. Please come and see me to complete that portion of your grade. For those of you who have already had your conference, please unsubmit your Question Generator and continue to use it if needed.

By this point it's important for everyone to have a Research Question 2.0+ to get busy with EBSCO and online databases and researching. I've been asking a lot of questions about scope, focus, connection to the stimulus pack, and the argument or point that you're trying to make. Be sure to also consider the - SO WHAT? - Why does this investigation, question, resolution, or conclusion matter? As you research continue to refine your question and by extension your answer.

The next few days of class will be filled with researching and developing outlines. Our next assessment in class will be elevator pitches of questions, arguments, and sources. Be ready for that next week - details forthcoming!

Advanced Russian

I hope that you all enjoyed the film Девчата from the note that the sub left you have just about ten minutes left to watch. Be sure that you've completed the questions up to that point in the film. It's available on YouTube if you need to rewatch anything. We'll finish the movie on Thursday after our quiz. Russian II/III students will have a quiz on new vocabulary (weather terms, adjectives, foods) and the use of the Dative Case on Thursday. 

Additionally over the weekend you should work on your writing assignment (Russian II) on weather and feelings (accurate use of dative case, adjectives and adverbs). Or you should be working on your recipe steps (Russian III) and learning new vocabulary (verbs) related to cooking. These verbs are great when paired with your modals (use of the Dative/Nominative case.

Tuesday is ACT day and a good chunk of the class will be missing - plan on an Enrichment Day on Tuesday!

Russian I

I hope that our romcom - Служебный Роман - was fun and enjoyable. I hope that it also helped to give you some insights into Russian women of different types, especially thematic for International Women's Day. I expect to see viewing guides with questions answered to about the 1:10 mark of the film. If you left your viewing guide on the floor at the end of class, I would suggest coming to see me and get another. The film is available on YouTube if you need to rewatch anything.

Over the weekend you should work to complete the Chapter 2 reading as well as any remaining problems from our previous exercise set. You should be reviewing your color vocabulary and case endings nightly in order to memorize them and be able to apply them correctly. The reading assignment is a great tool to help you do this so that you can see cases in action. Try to translate as you read.

We will have a quiz soon on case functions, some endings, and color vocabulary words. We'll also have a writing workshop on Tuesday related to our projects. The final draft of the houses project will likely be on Monday of next week - be ready for that!

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