Monday, March 12, 2018

Homework for B-Day - 12 March - A Quick Monday

We got through most everything that we needed to today. That's good. Here are your reminders to take you into Wednesday.

English IV

The surprise early release bit us in the butt more than it did the other classes today. I'm glad that we had a good conversation around nature and nurture and their impact on people. I think that we all have a pretty good understanding of what Locke and Rousseau think about these ideas.

Tonight, you may find it most important to take a look at your adaptation projects. We'll have time to work on these next class, but we'll also be starting the essay. Make sure that you've completed the previous parts of this assignments - on Google Classroom - so that you can move forward.

AP English III

There are a lot of things going on in AP English III land in terms of our reading unit and our writing unit. I'll break down your tasks below.

Reading: Our next set of chapters in Invisible Man are Chapters 13-15. This is a big chunk of reading and won't be discussed until next week - Tuesday. Take your time to accomplish this. Also, be sure that you and your group have gone and accounted for your blog posts.

We'll take a bit of a detour the next two classes by looking at the concept of necropolitics - to begin the investigation I'm asking you to read two documents for class on Wednesday. First, read Peggy McIntosh's list of structures in our society. Think about each one and mark it if you think it is an example of necropolitics at play. Then, be sure to read Brent Staples's article called "Just Walk On By" - it's in 50 Essays or available here.

Read and annotate this article. Make connections to necropolitics as well as to Invisible Man or any of the other authors we have discussed in this unit.

Writing: It looks as though many of you signed up today for writing conferences. If not, be sure that you do ASAP. On Wednesday everyone will turn in rough drafts. Your rough draft should have a full introduction, two complete topics, and a conclusion. You should also have a bibliography. When you come to your conference you should come prepared with questions for me about your paper. We will also be able to fix previous grades based on what I see with the draft. DO NOT MISS YOUR CONFERENCE.

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