Thursday, December 11, 2014

Homework for the Weekend - A-Day Students - 12/11/2014

Russian II

We will be returning to the computer lab next class to finish our work on the verbs of motion and the VOKI assignment.  Please continue to review these online exercises as you keep studying and reviewing over the weekend.

For homework this weekend I would like for you to do some writing in Russian.  Select two verbs of motion (which is actually four when you consider the pairing) and the verb носить/нести.  Create eight to ten sentences using these verbs in a variety of contexts and tenses to explain your motion and travels.  Feel free to be creative, they don't have to be factual, just grammatically correct.

Russian I

You are also doing some writing this weekend.  Using our verbs читать, писать, говорить, и жить create sentences which use these words with at least three additional cases (nominative, accusative, prepositional, genitive, dative).  Remember to pair your sentences with translations in English.

As you do this make sure that you're using your notes and reviewing your declensions.  Keep conjugating your verbs!

English II

Keep working on your "This I believe..." speeches.  If you haven't finished the planning work, make sure to do that and then show it to us on Monday so that you can get partial credit.  Getting this planning work done will make writing to actual speech so much easier.  Also, please get your paperwork signed so that Ms. Gerdes can use your work for her portfolio.

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