Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Homework for B-Day Students - 12/16/2014

AP English III

Your task for next class is to complete the reading of Gloria Anzaldua's "How to Tame a Wild Tongue" available in 50 Essays or from the link in last class's post.  Make sure to read it and annotate it thoroughly as her ideas are complex, yet approachable.  Ms. Gerdes will be taking you through a reading of this piece next class.

In addition, you may want to start now on your illustration assignment.  Review the handout and bring me any questions before the break begins.

English II

In preparation for a writing workshop next class make sure to complete all of your pre-writing including the first planning sheet and the assignment you were given today.  Have these things completed so that next class you can begin moving forward with the work on creating your speech!

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