Thursday, September 19, 2019

Homework for the Weekend - A Day - 19 September

AP Research

Good work today with giving, receiving, and processing feedback. I'm really happy to see the direction in which you all are moving as well as the support you are lending to your colleagues. Keep this spirit moving.

Over the weekend you should continue to build your BoK and revise your question. Continue to reflect and use the feedback of your peers. Additionally, you have an assignment due on Sunday - Your Source List. This is the first check, so you should have about 25-30 sources. Remember that these are categorized. You should submit a document with your sources (APA format) and their category.

Outside of that there's the Reflection 3/4. Remember to practice writing with sources by using them in your reflections. Get into good habits; it'll pay off later.

Russian I

Today in class we did a lot! We spoke and used our greetings and we also reviewed our work on formality rules in Russian. Then we spent some time exploring different areas of Moscow for our culture projects. Remember that you'll have one more day to work on these in class before they're due.

Over the weekend you should work with your new vocabulary and finish your most recent exercise packet. You should also check on anything that is missing in the gradebook. We'll finish this first unit pretty soon and move into some real grammar!

Advanced Russian

Today we did a bit of everything - we wrote, we listened, we researched Moscow sky scrapers, and then did some work on cases and grammar. All of this is good for us as we keep moving forward. As a reminder you'll have one more class session to work on the projects. They'll be due after that. We'll also be writing this weekend as we revise our stories about our buildings. Remember to write and think about where you're activating cases. Conjugate verbs. Use your notes. Ask if you need help!

I also want you to focus on the new exercise which mixes verbs and cases. Focus on a particular case and use this weekend as a chance to get ahead. We'll keep moving forward next week. Finish your story and have it ready to turn in!

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