Friday, September 6, 2019

Homework for Friday - 6 September - B Day

AP Literature

The main thing for the weekend is the reading of Ha Jin's "A Contract" and the beginning of your revisions. Use the notes from today's workshop to guide your revisions. Apply what we have talked about today and if you don't know what to do, let's talk. Remember that you have the next ten days to focus on this task.

Be sure that you've submitted all of your work - vocabulary cards and summer work as well. We'll keep this party moving. Ask for what you may need as we keep working.

AP Research

This weekend we are really getting into our QUEST. So, it's time to develop the reading and task log. Are you finding sources? Are you developing your Body of Knowledge? Does this work help you to define variables? Terms? Get ideas for method and data points? As you work, log your work on the Reading and Planning Logs. Keep track of everything you are doing.

Begin to draft and revise your question. Are you taking it through multiple iterations? How is it changing? Why?

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