Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Homework for B-Day - 10 September

AP Literature

Congratulations on exploring Marxism today in class. One thing that I appreciate about the critique is that it allows us to see a lot of these texts really boil down to a fight over power and control. That helps us to navigate a lot of these texts and cut through the noise.

Tonight you have Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery". As you read, consider our discussion today, and the way in which the decisions are made for the characters. How would we see Marxism help us to understand and interpret the text further?

We'll have your outlines back to you next week and we will begin the revision process then. I appreciate that so many of you are working on revising your college essays - please see me or Ms. Metcalf outside of class for additional conferencing.

AP Research

Today I unveiled our first major assignment - the source list. For this assignment you should be collecting anywhere from 40-50 sources which may end up becoming part of your literature review. As you are doing this work, you should categorize the sources into discipline specific sources / current research climate / historical background sources / variety of research methods. Remember that one source may be categorized into multiple areas. Your final product should just be a list of the sources and their category. This work is a clear outgrowth of your Reading Log.

Don't forget to review your first reflections as well as the notes I've left. Don't resolve the comments. Keep them and reflect upon them.

As you work, you may also want to start writing out your question, gap, and problem statement. How are these things changing? What is changing them?

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