Monday, September 23, 2019

Homework for A Day - Monday, September 23

AP Research

Today's class focused on moving from our development of our QUEST and question into writing and working on our annotated bibliography - the first key assignment in which we will start to build our research papers. Be sure to reference the slides as you begin to work. Use the templates and language that we are seeing to write with academic purpose and gravitas.

In this unit we will have several major assignments - the first is the Annotated Bibliography. There will also be a poster presentation and pitch for your research question, and some writing goals for our paper. Keep working hard and it will be done!

Russian I

Today in class we did some great work. Remember that if you didn't submit the project that you have until the end of the week to turn it in. On Friday we'll be having a quiz on the new vocabulary and cultural knowledge. Be sure that you are reviewing your vocabulary daily. Hopefully today's speaking activity helped with your understanding and remembering of the vocabulary. We'll keep having more speaking activities as we keep going through the week!

Also be working through your exercise packet - it'll be very helpful for the quiz on Friday!

Advanced Russian

Today in class we wrote, we listened, and we spoke. All great practice for ourselves as students of Russian. By the end of this week you have a small story due. It can be about you, your building, the characters in Ну, Погоди! As long as you use all three tenses in Russian, we're good.

Next class we'll interact with more stimulus and write more - then it's on to work on cases to review those things too. Remember that by the end of the week you need to complete your resubmission for the verb quiz if you choose to do so.

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