Monday, September 16, 2019

Homework for B-Day Students - 16 September

AP Literature

Today we began really getting into the weeds as it applies to writing about literature. It's important to make sure that our thesis is always Debatable, Analytical, Defensible and Specific (it needs to have DADS). This gives us a lot of the tasks that we have to do in our explanation. Be sure to review our writing notes in the context of your outlines and the comments you were given. Begin to revise - but realize that we are using the outlines as the start of our major project work.

Additionally, for tonight you should be sure to continue working on college essays if these were not submitted today in class, reading the next section of "Bartleby" (to paragraph 166), and work on vocabulary cards. You have five cards from Melville due by the end of the week.

AP Research

Today we had a big class as we understood the elements needed to move from little r to BIG R research. It's a good day in the neighborhood. At this time you should be actively reviewing your work to include all of the elements of an effective research question. Be sure to use the template to reform and refocus your problem statement. The BoK is essential in this - you need it for a lot of the revised problem statement.

Don't forget the second reflection in your PREP as well as the preparation for this week. We have a CRAAP quiz next class and speed dating for research questions on Friday!

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