Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day - 2011

Lots of time off this winter. I would have preferred a lot of snow to the sleet that we got instead. As of now we've got a two-hour delay for tomorrow. But, things can change. Tomorrow's schedule is as follows:

Period 2: 9:30 - 10:42

A Lunch: 10:42 - 11:12

Period 3: 11:18 - 12:24

Period 1: 12:30 - 2:30


The Beehive Pub will be open tomorrow! Come in the morning, before class, or during lunch to drop off supplies. If you haven't signed up for food yet and don't know what to bring we could use some decorations to help create more of a British pub feel. We don't have any vegetables yet. Is that lame to ask for vegetables and dip? Or fruit? Pretzels? Anyway...

You'll need to be in costume and on time when class starts; I don't want us to waste any time getting ready outside of the introduction. I'll be collecting your worksheets as you come in to class; I'll check your notes from the interactions as you leave class. You'll need to use those notes to write the reflection. The reflection can be submitted to me electronically via Google Docs.

I hope that you've spent today working on your drafts for your Hamlet papers. I will be available tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday after school to look at drafts. The final draft is due the day of the final exam, or earlier, which is currently scheduled for next Tuesday. A review session will most likely be offered this Friday.

If you're missing any assignments, they need to be submitted/made-up by this Friday. Also, please look around for checked out school books you used during this class. Please return these as soon as possible.


Tomorrow I will be collecting papers from 1B and 2B. Anyone who has not yet submitted a paper, in B day should have it ready tomorrow. I will also be giving out progress reports for B day and A day students. A day students will get them from either Ms. Kaneko or Mr. Brosnan. When you see your progress report, it is important that any assignments missing a grade and not marked as exempt be made up before next Friday.

We will be discussing certain elements of chapter seven tomorrow. Be ready for a meaningful discussion.


Unknown said...

Now what? I just finished my costume, literally when the phone rang.

Daniel Miller said...

This sucks. Any suggestions? We could do it during the exam period. Extra credit, perhaps.

Unknown said...

I could use some extra credit, I would do it, but how many others would??