Thursday, December 18, 2008
Over the break...
Your only other homework is to have a peaceful and relaxing break. Read a book, eat some good food, and sleep in.
When we get back we will begin our study of Romeo and Juliet and other drama.
Happy Chrismahanukwanzakah!!!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Homework for 16/17 December
Remember that when you turn in your paper you will need to turn in your rough draft, your viewing guide and your final draft. Don't forget to atttach your cover sheet to your essay and fill that out.
If you have any questions, leave a note!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Homework for the weekend!
A-day students - I really liked what I saw from you today. If you need more assistance with writing your papers - come see me during study hall on Monday.
B-day students - Your first two paragraphs are due on Monday. I'll be conferencing with each of you about these paragraphs on Monday.
One week left til Break!!!!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Homework for 10/11 December
Monday, December 8, 2008
Homework - 8/9 December
Bring these to class with you - please do not put them in the box. We will revise these in class.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Practice Benchmark
If you have any questions while you're studying, feel free to leave a comment.
Also, if you did not turn in your viewing guide today - you will need to turn that in on Monday/Tuesday.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Homework for 12/2 and 12/3
Also, remember the following things:
1. Any make-up work is due on Wednesday.
2. Study for your Vocabulary test!
3. If you haven't taken your test yet, you need to do that by Thursday.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Over Break...
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Open Thread
A day test on Friday 11/21. B day test on Monday 11/24. Remember that your book projects are also due on the day of your test.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Review Session!
(Note: A lot is two words, not one)
Monday, November 17, 2008
Homework for 11/17 and 11/18
What do you think has challenged Odysseus the most? Why?
Answer in a complete paragraph in your journal.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Book Projects
1. You are to do a pamphlet for your book. I have samples that you can look at Requirements are as follows:
• a two-fold pamphlet (both sides of the pamphlet will be divided into thirds)
• cover should have title, artwork, author’s name, publishing company, price, etc…
• inside, on the first third, you should have a summary (don’t give away surprise endings)
• most of the inside (the other two-thirds) should be discussion points/questions
• the back should have an “about the author” section as well as recommended reading – books with similar themes, other books by this author.
2. You are to write a letter to the author of your book. Initiate a conversation with him/her. Ask questions; respond to the novel (characters, events, themes, symbols, etc.). Whatever you do, do not summarize the plot – the author already knows it. Show the author that you have read this book, that you have thought about the book, and that you are a very perceptive reader. You do not have to like everything about the book; you may even dislike aspects of it. Remember your audience, however; it is the author. Think of how you yourself would respond best to someone’s questions or dialogue.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Homework over the weekend
I would recommend that you have a parent or friend read over your assignment so that you can catch some grammar mistakes - I will be looking at grammar in grading.
In addition, we will be going back to the textbooks on Monday. Bring your books to class.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Your homework for tonight is to finish reading your packets - "The Land of the Dead." Make sure that you finish your study questions to go along with the story.
In addition, your Zeus projects are due on Thursday and Friday of this week. You should spend some time on your day off to work on these - make sure that you review your assignment sheets/rubrics.
If you have questions about anything, leave a comment.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Sorry about not posting
Anywho...your homework is to read your photocopied packet from "The Land of the Dead." While you're reading, feel free to make notes in the margins, highlight, underline, and otherwise annotate. Also, answer your study questions - these will need to be turned in to the box. Remember that if you try to answer the questions and I can see that you put some thought into your answer I'll give credit - if you don't try, or leave the question blank, you will get no credit. I know that this reading is difficult, but I just want you to put forth good effort.
See you for another shortened week :)
Monday, November 3, 2008
Homework for 11/3 and 11/5
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tonight's homework is in your journal. What I want you to do is to read in your supplemental novel for thirty minutes. Then, I want you to construct a double entry diary. First, make a chart that is divided into two columns. Then, write down two or three quotes that stuck out to you in some way on the left. On the right, I want you to write a brief (2-3 sentence) reflection on the quote.
Consider: Why did you write this quote down? What drew you to this quote? Do you like the imagery in this quote? Do you like the words? How does this quote fit in to the story?
You don't have to answer these questions - but you may want to think about them to help you write your reflection.
P.S. - We haven't had a journal check in should expect one.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Homework for B-day students...
Do you believe in fate? Why or why not?
Answer the question in at least five sentences. Remember, if I can tell that you didn't put much time into your work, I may choose to not give you credit.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Update: Looks like I just love October - notice the updates!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Tonight/This Weekend Homework
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Some information for you all...
Extra Credit Project – 1st Nine Weeks
The choice is as follows. This project will add as many as six points to your test average.
1. To earn two points you will need to read the stories “Liberty” and “An American Story” in your text book. You will then need to answer questions one through five for each story.
2. To earn four points you will need to read “Liberty,” “An American Story,” and “Exile” in your text book. You will need to answer the following question as a three paragraph answer with a brief introduction and a brief conclusion: How do these pieces of literature show the immigrant experience in America.
3. To earn all six points you will need to read “Liberty,” “An American Story,” and “Exile” in your text book. You must write two things. First, a three paragraph response in which you tell me how each story influenced or impacted your opinion of immigration. After this, you will then need to write a POSITION PAPER in which you discuss your opinion on immigration with three outside sources. You must cite all of your sources.
Now your homework -
For homework you will need to read in your supplemental novel for thirty minutes. After you read you will need to tell me why the author of your book gave that book that title. This is a pure opinion question. I want you to write at least five sentences. Please put this in your journal.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Homework - 17/20 October
For Honors: You will need to read the poem "The Lotos-Eaters" by Tennyson. After you read the poem you will need to write a two paragraph compare/contrast assignment. You will be comparing/contrasting the depiction of the lotus eaters from the poem and from The Odyssey. Think about imagery, language use, tone, perspective, the characterization of Odysseus - or any topic of your choice. No matter what your topic you will want to be sure that you are using specific details from the poem (quotes are effective.)
For Standard: You will need to complete the RAFT activity on the handout. Be sure that you're really getting into the character that you are writing from. Be creative, but make sure that what you are saying and the way that you are describing your character can be supported from the story.
If anyone needs help, come to study hall on Monday. This assignment is due to the box on Tuesday for A-day and Wednesday for B-day.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Homework for 10/15 and 10/16
If you were Odysseus, would you stay with Calypso or would you go set out to go home? Use specific examples that make your ideas clear.
If you would like to rewatch the section of The Odyssey that we watched today, here's the link:
Monday, October 13, 2008
To Do - Monday Night and Tuesday Night
In addition, those of you that didn't complete a Breakdown or Honors Enrichment part of your project you will need to turn this in late. Put it in my box by Wednesday (A-day) or Thursday (B-day). You will get late credit, which is better than no credit.
Breakdown - Following the story, you are expected to give a critique of your story. It should include such things as: what is the critical incident, what is the nature of the conflict, what is the climax of the story, etc., etc.
Honors Enrichment: You are also expected to analyze two elements of your story (setting, character, point of view, tone) and tell me in one paragraph for each how this adds or increases the effect of your story. If you need help, leave a comment with your e-mail address.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Weekend Homework
Remember - as you're reading, try not to read ahead. You'll have assignments with your reading log throughout the next few weeks. If you do read ahead in your book, you will still be responsible for the journal assignments.
Finally - remember to start bringing your books to class with you every day starting on Monday/Tuesday.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Before I go watch the debate!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Homework 10/3 and 10/6
What are the last three books you've read? What was your opinion of them? What kind of books do you like to read, in general?
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Homework for 10/1 and 10/2
Sunday, September 28, 2008
This coming weekend...
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Open Thread
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Homework for 9/23 & 9/24
In addition, be sure that on Thursday/Friday you have your rough drafts of your short stories. You will get a grade of either 100 or 0 on this day. One hundred percent if you have your draft, zero if you do not.
Finally, here's the link for the clip of The Simpsons - feel free to watch as often as you need to.×tamp=0&id=89326
Have fun!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Homework for 9/19 & 9/22
In addition, as you're reading the story I want to be sure that you are taking notes on elements of foreshadowing nin the story as well as examples of diction that you find interesting.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I keep forgetting!!!!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Homework (9/15 and 9/16)
Friday, September 12, 2008
Homework over the weekend (9/11 & 9/12)
Honors students need to read the story "The Scarlet Ibis" on page 343. After you read the story, complete questions 6-9 and turn them in to my box.
Standard students need to read the story "Thank You M'am" on page 86. After you read the story, complete questions 2-4 and turn then in to my box.
I hope that you enjoy the reading over the weekend!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
I just remembered!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Homework 5/8 September
Remember to bring your textbooks to class next week on Tuesday/Thursday for A day and Wednesday/Friday for B day.
Have a good weekend - enjoy Tropical Storm Hanna.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Homework - 3rd and 4th of September
What you need to do is write a new ending to the story "The Necklace." Your new ending can either be in the form of a poem, a script, or a short story. I may ask a few people to present their responses in class. Have fun with this and be creative. But make sure that your ending is still plausable (believable).
Friday, August 29, 2008
Homework! 29 August/2 September
Over the weekend you will need to finish reading the story "The Necklace" by Guy DuMaupassant. I would like for you to answer the following questions:
- For which character do you feel the most sympathy? Why?
- What is the point of view in this story? Does it work for you? Why or why not?
- Do you think that du Maupassant is particularly feminist? Why or why not? Use quotes from the story to prove your point.
Standard and Honors students need to answer questions one and two. Honors students need to also answer question three. Please answer in a few sentences. For sentence three, answer in a complete paragraph with a topic sentence.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Welcome and 1st day Homework (25/26 August)
I think that this is going to be a really great year. I've got some fun things planned for us throughout the year for us to accomplish. I hope that you're learning your way around the school and not getting too lost.
Today in class we reviewed my policies and procedures as well as a quick overview as to how to write a paragraph. Tonight for homework you need to accomplish the following tasks:
- Finish your opening paragraph. Make sure that it's written in pen! Turn in your paragraph to the box in Mrs. Phillips's room - 214.
- Have your parents complete your information sheet completely!
- Make sure that you have your materials for class!
That's it! Have a great afternoon!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
This is the end...this is the end, my friends...
It's been a great year. I think that this blog is going to go into retirement for the summer because I'm going to be too busy or too lazy to update this thing. I've had a truly wonderful year with all of you.
Thank you,
Friday, May 23, 2008
Wrapping up the end of the year...
2. After school on Tuesday and Wednesday I will be having study/review sessions. Remember that after school busses will not run. You need to provide your own transportation.
3. In class on Tuesday/Wednesday we will be finishing TKAM and finishing up our writing portfolios to get them ready to move up to next year. Also you can bring questions from your review sheets.
4. I've had a lot of fun with you all this year. I'm really looking forward to the last few classes.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Tonight's Homework
1. How are the themes and conflicts seen in both The Color of Water and To Kill A Mockingbird. Basically, what are some examples of these themes and conflicts?
2. Why are these themes/conflicts important in each work?
I want you to organize your answers to these question in either a venn diagram, chart, or a paragraph. For the paragraph you need to write six to ten sentences and for the chart/diagram you should have six to ten examples. Put this in your journal.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Weekend Homework
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Things to do...
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Homework for 6/7 May
1. Get your parents and anyone else that you know who is registered to vote, to vote!
2. Read the next two chapters of The Color of Water.
3. Begin your position paper.
Your position paper will be no more than one page long and will concern your current topic. In the first sentence of your paper you will clearly state what your position is on the topic and why you feel that way. In the body paragraph you will give specific reasons why you feel the way you feel about your topic. Your conclusion will wrap up your argument in one sentence.
I'll give you more guidance on this next class.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Tomorrow/Wednesday I will be collecting two things at the beginning of class:
1. Your viewing guides to the show we watched on Friday/Monday.
2. Your humor paragraphs.
The paragraphs will go into your writing portfolios, the viewing guides will be checked. You will get a grade for both assignments.
Also, next class we will begin our research for our debates. Be ready!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Weekend Homework
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Homework for Wednesday/Thursday
Also, I think that since we're getting close to start review for the EOC. So, I am planning to have a wrapping up non-fiction quiz/test pretty soon. Just FYI!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Weekend Homework
1. Review your notes for the benchmark. Any literary terms that you're not clear on or anything that you need further clarification on - please ask! Leave a comment on this blog entry and I'll do my best to answer.
2. Read to page seventy-eight (78) in The Color of Water. In your journal, write about what you think is the most significant difference between the mom's childhood and James's childhood. Write at least one full paragraph.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
I want to try something...
I want to see what people think about the theme of identity that is developing in the text. How are both of the main characters - the mother and James - developing their own identities? How is each character's identity changing?
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Next class we will be having an in class review for our final Benchmark. After that will be the Benchmark and then we will return to our study of non-fiction.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Extra Help
Friday, April 18, 2008
Book Club Homework - Weekend Edition
What is the best part of this book so far? Why? What is the the worst part? Why?
This will be journal entry number five. Also, expect a quiz on the first four chapters soon!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Book Club Homework
Friday, April 11, 2008
Ideas for studying...
- For example: simile - a comparison between two things using like or as. "Love is like a rose." This is a simile because it compares love to a rose (two unlike things) by using like.
2. Write practice questions for poems (either multiple choice or short answer) and attempt to answer them. This is especially effective in preparing for short answer.
3. Review the poems that we have studied in class - make sure that you know some basic information on these. Perhaps you would want to use your notes sheet to take notes.
4. Review any notes from poems that you have.
5. Some people find it useful to study in groups - remember that if you choose to do this you should focus on being productive and discussing the poetry.
That should do it. Remember to bring a pencil, pen and paper to the test. My supplies are running low and I will not be able to lend things to anyone on the test day.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Next Class
Your poetry test will be on the 14th for A day and 15th for B day - you'll get a study guide next class.
Also...If I have not seen an outline for your poetry analysis, I need to see something by study hall on Monday. If you feel that you need help on your papers, come see me by Monday's study hall.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
If you missed it...
Remember also the notes about the modernist movement, imagists and haiku.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Extra Credit - Read Carefully
Answer the following questions in complete paragraphs (at least five sentences) except where noted. If it is not a question, complete the task as directed. Cite all sources for information in correct MLA format. Failure to properly cite sources will result in no credit.
1. What is a poet laureate?
2. Who is the current poet laureate of the United States? (Answer in just one sentence.)
3. Read one poem by the current poet laureate of our country. Write the name of the poem and attach a copy of the poem with your final product.
4. Based on the rubric that we used with in class with the Sweet Sixteen tournament, decide if the poem is good (gets a high score). Attach your scorecard for the poem with your final product.
5. Why did you give the poem this score? Be specific.
The first four questions will be worth one homework grade. The last question is worth a quiz/project grade.
• Question one is all or nothing – 15 points
• Question two is all or nothing – 15 points
• Task three is all or nothing – 30 points
• Task four is all or nothing – 10 points
• Question five will be graded like a test essay with partial credit awarded. However, since you have more time than you normally would on a test, I am going to be more stringent. Your grade will be determined on the following fields:
• The use of evidence in your writing – 10 points
• The clarity of your argument – 10 points
• Grammar and usage – 5 points
• The level of focus in your writing – 5 points
Due Dates
This is due on the 24th (B day) or 25th (A day). I will not be available over the weekend via e-mail or blog. I will not answer any questions. If you need resources, ask the Media Center staff.
A final note
If your grade is lowered because of the grade on this assignment, I will not count it against you. No wikipedia for research. Your website sources must end with .gov, .org, or .edu.
Get crackin’,
18/19 March - Homework
Friday, March 14, 2008
Weekend Homework
Also, let's remember Aisha's quote of the day:
"It's not a tongue twister, it's a mind twister."
Have a great weekend!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Today I forgot the homework...
Friday, March 7, 2008
I forgot Sydney's Quote!

I was just sitting here at my computer and I realized that I forgot Sydney's quote.
Homework for the weekend
Your homework will go in your journal. You need to respond to the following quote.
"Beauty is not a mouth thirsting nor an empty hand stretched forth, but rather a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted."
Remember that when you respond to the quote you need to write for a solid fifteen minutes. Take the idea in the quote and tell me what you think of it. Use this quote as a jumping off point for your own ideas on beauty.
B Day students:
Your job is to write your own "Love Song." For Honors students I am expecting at least twenty lines of poetry. For Standard students I am expecting at least fifteen. There is no upper limit.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
You will need to bring in a poem that was written by someone other than you. Read the poem and then write a brief summary. After you write the summary, write a brief paragraph in which you discuss the author's purpose (why did the author write the poem).
This will be due to the box!!!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Romeo and Juliet Test
Important characters and what they do in the drama.
Literary terms.
Important quotes.
Review Act IV. (Honors only!)
Introductory Powerpoint notes. (Elizabethan England, Literary Terms, Elements of Drama, Shakespeare's stage)
Short Answer:
Double Talk
Character Development
Suspense Building in Act I.
For Extra Credit you need to answer the following question in a paragraph. Make sure that it's a good paragraph that really answers the question. This is worth five extra points.
What is one important different between the play and the movie version that we
have watched in class? Describe the difference (how was it done in the
play, how was it done in the movie) and then tell why the difference
happened, in your opinion.
If you have any questions while you are studying, please let me know. Remember to leave your e-mail address so that I can contact you quickly. Also don't forget that your projects are due when you take the test. Friday for A day and Monday for B day.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Homework 25/26 February
What do each of the characters have planned for Juliet? What is Juliet's reaction to each plan? Which, in your opinion, is the best plan for Juliet?
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Please do not forget to work on these projects as much as you are working on preparing for your test because these project grades will be averaged together to be a second test grade. This can really help you if you are afraid that you will do poorly on my test.
Remember that there will be a review session on the 27th, after school, in my room. Please come as this will be the only review session and the only time for you to ask your questions!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Homework for 19/20 February
What do you think of Lord Capulet at the end of Act III? Why do you think he's acting this way now?
Friday, February 15, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Homework - 12/13 February
1. Consider the behavior of the four main characters in III.1. Which of them is the most responsible? Why?
2. If you were directing Romeo and Juliet, what would you ask your actors to bring out about their characters' feelings and motivations in this scene? (Either III.1 or III.2)
This is your third journal entry.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Tonight's Homework
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Journal Homework
Now that we have seen more between Romeo and Juliet, how do you feel about Romeo's sincerity (openness, truthfulness)? Do you thik that his feelings are different than what he felt for Rosaline? Why?
Be sure that you're using clear examples and making your own ideas clear through your writing.
You will have a journal check in your next class. February 4th for A day and 5th for B day.
You should have ten journals, including warm-ups for this check. If you are short, come see me.
Quotes of the day:
- "You got cataracts?!?!" - Rahmir
- "Isosexy!" - Ebony
Friday, January 25, 2008
Upcoming events
For Honors students you will have quotes - major quotes - from the first act. You will need to know where in the play the quote happened (context), who says the quote, and why is the quote important in the overall action of the play.
For Standard students, you will have two short answer questions. One question about the prologue and why it is interesting to the play and another question about love and the power it has over people. Also, you will have a graphic organizer that you need to complete about the movie versus the play (how are they different, and why was that change made.)
Also - don't forget that you need to revise (or, in some cases complete) your paragraphs about Romeo and Benvolio and turn in your originals and your revisions.
That is all.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
23/24 January - Homework
For homework you need to answer one of the following questions in your journal:
1. Is Lady Capulet similar to a female figure in your house? In your family? In what ways?
2. How would you feel in Juliet's position? Why?
You should be pulling from Act I, Scene 3 to answer either of these two questions.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
When we get back...
Remember that when we get back it will be an A-day. I'm expecting that each of you will have your compare/contrast paragraphs about Benvolio and Romeo and their attitudes toward love. In these paragraphs I am looking for specific examples (quotes and examples). Also, you need to discuss these quotes to show me how you learned whatever you learned about Benvolio and Romeo from their quotes.
If you have any questions/want help/want to wire money into my Swiss bank account - just drop me an e-mail!
Monday, January 14, 2008
B day homework
How are Romeo and Benvolio different in their approaches to love? How does Romeo feel about love? How about Benvolio? Write one paragraph that summarizes Benvolio's attitude toward love and one paragraph that summarizes Romeo's attitude. Compare and contrast their views in two paragraphs. Remember to use quotes!
Friday, January 11, 2008
What are some parallels to the conflict in Romeo and Juliet and twenty-first century America? List three and tell why in your journal.
I'll check this homework assignment and your other assignment on Monday/Tuesday.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
For your Shakespeare Quiz
- The vocabulary from pages 781-782
- The notes from the powerpoint on Shakespeare and Literary Terms
- The handout on the Globe Theatre and the vocabulary words from that sheet.
In addition, you will have a book check for the next class. Remember to bring YOUR literature book. I will be checking the names to make sure that you match your book!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
9/10 January - Homework and Stuff
In addition, you need to study pages 781-782 of your text book as well as your handout and notes for a quiz on Friday on Shakespeare.
Lastly, you should find a play for your project - see me if you need help on this.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Announcements 8 January
Don't forget that book projects are also due in your next class.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Friday, January 4, 2008
Tips for those nasty revising questions
- Use your scrap paper to rewrite the sentence on your own. Then, you can compare your revision with the given answers and see which one (or ones) is (are) closest.
- Another thing that you can do is that you can make sure that each possible answer keeps the same MAIN IDEA and the same IMPORTANT INFORMATION. On your scrap paper you may want to make a summary of the main idea of the sentence and then go on to make a list of the important information. You can use this list to check each of the possible answers.
Let's not forget the quote of the day: "Stupid 'A'...I mean 'E'!" - EVW
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Agenda/Announcements 3/4 January
- Remember that literature is always in the present tense.
- If you need to look up anything about grammar or punctuation you need to check out this site:
- For literary terms - look in the back of your textbook to review.
- Finally, your book projects will be due on the 9th and 10th of January.