Friday, September 5, 2008

Homework 5/8 September

Thanks for all the great birthday wishes today! It was nice to have you all sing to me today. Over the weekend I want you all to read one of my favorite short stories by Edgar Allen Poe, "The Cask of Amontillado." The story is located on page 173. Read the whole story, including the box on page 178. After you read the story you may want to read about the biography of Edgar Allen Poe on page 180. In your journals, I would like for everyone to answer question number eleven on page 181 - Honors students need to also answer question ten.

Remember to bring your textbooks to class next week on Tuesday/Thursday for A day and Wednesday/Friday for B day.

Have a good weekend - enjoy Tropical Storm Hanna.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah...i read the story and honestly i had trouble comprehending what was going on in it...i hope i'm going to do ok on the homework...??