Monday, March 30, 2020

Week 2 - Supplemental Instruction

Good Morning Everyone! Welcome to Week 2!

This week we're going to proceed much as last week with our schedule and recordings. See below for information related to your own particular class.

AP English Literature (9-10 am): Today we'll review some important information and the assignments in AP Classroom that are unlocked. Then, we'll take a look at the released materials from Friday from College Board. Through the week we'll continue to look at the released materials in our own way, review important skills, and maybe get into some of our own text choices (what we're reading, other authors outside of the AP released ones). Remember that there is an important announcement from College Board on Friday related to AP Exams

AP Research (10-11 am): This is a working week. If you are needing to complete revisions to earlier steps in your process due to school closing, come and check in so that we can get some of that done together. If you are continuing to move forward as normal, remember that I'm available for drafting and review. Please think about times that would work in the next two weeks as possible peer editing times - especially if the normal window for this class doesn't fit in your schedule.

Russian (11-12 pm): I'll be unlocking new assignments on DuoLingo today and then we'll be looking at some of the verb conjugation work that pairs logically with the work we did on plurals. First we're mining for verbs from our vocabulary list, then conjugating and reviewing. This week we'll focus more on translation and using the language to accomplish key skills since we've reviewed the case functions/declensions.

See your specific classes for handouts/posts/recordings. Don't forget that I have office hours this week from 1-3 PM. I won't be available Monday after 2:30 PM because of a Leadership Team meeting. Below you'll find our Zoom room link!

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