Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Signing Off - Wednesday the 25th

I was going to do this thing where I recorded a Zoom message, but then I realized today that it takes forever to upload those, so it's best to do that sparingly and as needed.

I'm signing off for today! Thank you students for attending class and for sending emails and messages. I am so appreciative and thankful for all of you. Please help me by reaching out to your classmates. Let them know what's going on, check in on each other, and let them know that I'm here to support you as much as I can!

Please continue to complete the form related to the AP Examination posted below. I've also recorded lessons and have another tomorrow to be uploaded. As content for more of those recordings - I created a Needs Assessment form. Let me know what else we can do in the mornings to review and reinforce what we know.

Keep working on your assignments posted on Google Classroom and AP Classroom as much as you can! I always enjoy reading what you write and giving feedback to help you grow further.

Take care of yourselves and your loved ones! I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

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