Monday, March 23, 2020

Starting Week 1 - Assignments Posted / Online Lessons

Dear Students -

Assignments have been posted in Google Classroom for all classes for this week. I'll be available tomorrow via ZOOM and will post the link and schedule for online classes this week tomorrow.

You can also email me questions or leave comments on the class posts in Google Classroom. Remember that all previously assigned work is on PAUSE for the time being. You can submit any of this work and we can conference over it and review it together. This is a great thing to do this week in the afternoons during open time.

AP Students have access to free online lessons that align with topics to be covered on the modified AP Examinations. Currently for my students there are only lessons for AP English Literature. When there are lessons for Research, I'll post those too. Here is the schedule:

AP English Literature and Composition:

Wednesday, March 25, 2020 - 12−12:45 p.m. ET:  Explain the function of structure in a text.

Thursday, March 26, 2020 - 12−12:45 p.m. ET: Explain the function of contrasts within a text.

Friday, March 27, 2020 - 12−12:45 p.m. ET: Explain the function of specific words and phrases in a text.

I hope that you all are doing well. I look forward to seeing some of you this week during our online classes and meeting times.

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