Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Homework for the Weekend - A Day - 30 October

AP Research

Here are today's slides where we reviewed method. Be sure that this weekend you begin to work on your work moving forward and that you organize your PREP folder completely. Remember that there should start to be content in more of your sub-folders like PROPOSAL and CONFERENCES. Also, the Planning Out the Work log should reflect all the tasks you've completed in the first quarter.

This weekend research THREE potential Expert Advisers. These should be people you could actually contact. You can have more than one and they can be shared. Create a Google Doc in WEEKLY WORK and explain why they are a good adviser for you. Do research into the work they do.

Don't forget that you should be working on your PROPOSAL Draft daily as well as your REFLECTION for the week on today's lesson. Do a bit every day and this will get done!

Russian I

Today in class we thoroughly reviewed the way in which we complete FIRST CONJUGATION and the different endings and how we use those endings to discuss who is doing what. This weekend be sure that you are practicing by completing the exercises. Read the sentence. Who is the noun? What ending do they need?

Also, remember that some verbs have to be memorized - these are the mutants. Be sure to go back and look at how we conjugated the verb TO LIVE as you do that exercise.

We'll have more time to work on our projects next class and on Wednesday. Be ready for a spelling quiz on Friday!

Advanced Russian

Today we had a class focused on exercise review in order to understand the new concepts that we are learning. The homework that you have this weekend will review those concepts. Here are some notes for each of the groups.

Russian II - We have to focus on how to pick the proper aspect. First, think about the key words that indicate a repeated action versus a one time action. Use the words in Chapter 5 (page 200-201) and the other words you see in the exercises. As you complete your exercises, be sure to pick the right verb for the situation.

Russian III and IV - Focus on learning your declensions! It helps so much to have it memorized. Consider which case is needed for the situation and which words help you to finish the task. Fill in the blanks and check yourself!
Homework will be checked on Monday for evidence of completion. Also, if you did not see one of the parts of Anna Karenina, please watch on YouTube and complete the viewing guide.

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