Tuesday, October 8, 2019

B-Day Homework and Reminders

AP English Literature 
Good job hanging in there while writing our first in class essay! I know some of us had mixed feelings about our writing, but that's okay! We need to start somewhere and now we will just keep improving our writing for the real test in May.
For Friday:
1. Read Flannery O'Connor's "A Good Man is Hard to Find" on pages 454-467. Look for irony, shifts in tone and connections to "Good Country People."
2. Make sure your outlines are turned in online! I have most of the outlines, but not all of them, so make sure they are turned in on Google Classroom!
3. I will get your outline rubrics back to you on Friday. This means your project presentations/ artifacts will be due next Tuesday.
4. If you have any questions about college admissions, Ms. E's information is in the ppt presentation from today on Google Classroom.

AP Research
Hello researchers! Some of us were very productive today. Some of us need to pick up the pace on our ABs.
A few reminders:
1. Keep working on your ABs.
2. Update your task logs.
3. Complete your reflections.
If you have questions for me or Mr. Miller, please let us know next class!

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