Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Homework for 10/22 - A Day

It's nearly the end of the quarter! Be sure that your grades are complete and indicative of your work and abilities. If there is anything missing it should be settled up before the end of the week.

AP Research

Today in class we had our second LIT REVIEW lesson. I think that this lesson makes good sense after the work we did last week on the webs to develop our subtopics and key details. Remember that your purpose is to educate your reader on what they need to know in order to fully understand the choices that you have made in your investigation.

On Thursday we have our posters and our pitches. Follow the templates that you've been given. Remember that your pitch should cover the three sentences in under 120 seconds. You'll receive feedback from your peers.

Next week we'll start Unit 3. Be sure that all of your work for Unit 1 and 2 is complete before we move forward.

Russian I

Today in class we took our reassessment on gender, possession words, and agreement. If you're still confused or having trouble with the concept, let me know. After that, it was time for our work on verb conjugation. Remember that when we conjugate a verb we have to know some information before we start - mainly if it's first or second, and if there's a mutation or not.

Tonight I want you to practice both of our key skills by working through Exercise 15. You're going to fill in blanks using pronouns, possessives, and verbs. Be sure that when you work with the verbs that you work with the information around the verb. Who is doing the action? What ending will show that this person is doing that action? Remember that this is the goal of conjugation - to state who does what clearly.

Advanced Russian

Today was a day to put our toes into our work in the new unit and then it was on to Anna Karenina. Tonight for homework/practice - you should continue to work with your new grammar skill related to Anna's story.

Russian II students should use a dictionary or the vocabulary in Chapter 5 to make a list of verbs that work for Anna both to discuss regular actions and one time actions. This will allow us to think about how we use these verbs and how to make key choices related to aspect. Russian III is looking at some new types of pronouns/adjectives which all undergo declension of some sort of declension. Think about using these to discuss Anna's life. Where can you use "all"/"each other" and "oneself"/"one's own" to discuss Anna's life? Russian IV are looking at который phrases and clauses. Remember the work this little word does, and how it acts like a pivot point in a complex sentence. Remember that it works on both sides. Write two sentences and then combine them!

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