Friday, April 17, 2020

End of Week Two // 17 April 2020

Happy Friday Students!

I hope that all of you have had a good week filled with some time outside when the weather is on our side and a bit of time for yourself - especially if you're in a crowded house. I've enjoyed hearing from you this week. If we're discussing work, reviewing strategy for the AP Exam, or just talking about books and what we're eating. As always, let me know how I can help and support you all. I'm always here for you, even if I don't see you every day.

Over the weekend, continue to work as you can. Make submissions and ask questions, but remember that I'm not working weekends right now. I'll assess work and respond to questions/comments/emails on Monday. I will also have new assignments posted on Monday. Remember that you can work on assignments from any week, and you don't need to do all parts of the assignments. Use this time to focus on what skills you need to review in advance of AP Exams or in advance of the next phase of your academic career.

I did want to say that any of you who are planning to continue in Russian, know that there will be adjustments made to the beginning of your next Russian course to fill gaps due to this interruption of instruction. Also, Russian students enrolled for the AP Exam, if you would like to be dropped from the examination, please let me know ASAP. I need to have the list finalized by the beginning of May.

Next week is the last week to submit work in order to improve your standing for the academic year so far.

Lastly, on a personal note, here's what I've been doing with my time this week and a few realizations I've made about myself:

  • I finished reading Vasily Grossman's Stalingrad, and now I'm on to Michelle Obama's Becoming. I'd recommend both for different reasons. Next on my list is a book called Severance by Ling Ma. It's recommended with a warning by a former student of mine, so I'm looking forward to it.
  • I've been playing a LOT of PlayStation. I bought Final Fantasy 7 Remake last week, and it's consuming a lot of time. Confession - I play during Office Hours sometimes if there's nobody working with me. I remember why I was able to stay up later when I was younger; I was usually playing video games deep into the night and holding myself awake with them and the autonomic responses of my fingers. Then, as now, I stand up and the lizard brain takes over. Once I lay down, I'm out.
  • On TV I've discovered a show called Women of the House. It stars Delta Burke, whom I just find totally hilarious. It's a spin-off of another show called Designing Women about a group of well, designing women in Atlanta. In the show Suzanne (Burke) is a Republican congresswoman who takes over after her husband dies. It's a weird mix of politics, humor, and the nineties. I'm laughing.
  • In terms of music I've rediscovered a musical group called HaDag Nachash. They're Israeli and their name means The Snake Fish in Hebrew. The video below is a good song of theirs that finds its way into my runs this week.
  • Realization: I've gotta be doing something, and when I can't do the thing I want to do; I find something close by to fill the gap. Point: I can't get fancy coffees anymore, so I cleaned my espresso machine to make it work 100% again. It took me about an hour to clean that thing. Point: I can't go to the gym anymore, so I run so much more now. I've done 50+ miles this month so far. I've fallen in love with running again - just put on some music and turn my brain to the simple process of left/right and breath in and out. Helpful right now.
Miss you all so much! Let me know what I can do for you!

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