Thursday, October 18, 2018

Homework for B-Day Students - Substitute Day - 18 October

Hey Everyone! No negative reports from the substitute today and the room was left in pretty good shape. Thanks for that. Here are your reminders going into the weekend.

AP Seminar

Monday and Wednesday are going to be focused around preparation for the TMPOD. Moving from your individual research and collaborating in order to develop and present your solution and explanation of that solution. These presentations will be on Friday.

If you did not submit your AB today in class, then please be sure to do that tonight. I extended the deadline to 11:59 PM tonight. I want to review these over the weekend, so it's very important that it is submitted ASAP. Remember that this is half of your final assessment score - the other half is the TMPOD.

Advanced Russian

We are beginning new units and continuing to focus on our skills related to research. Over the weekend you should stay focused on the new vocabulary in your chapters. Chapter 5 will focus more on verbs, you may find it helpful and useful to stay focused on the verbs and look at how they are paired together. Notice the use of prefixes to put the pair together. You should also share your outline with me via Google Drive. We'll keep working on these through the next few weeks.

Russian I

Today we focused on vocabulary and a film focused on modern Russia - geography and culture. We'll continue this film next class. For the weekend, focus on your new vocabulary in Chapter One and keep learning your words! Remember that next week we'll have retakes of the alphabet exam.

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