Monday, September 16, 2013

Homework for the Weekend/Monday - 9/16/2013

This post is for my B-day students.  A-day students will be able to find their homework in the post at the end of the day.

B-day students:  I'm sorry for not getting this up earlier.  I had a crazy busy day yesterday and then Friday and Saturday were eaten by Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur.  Here are your notes to get you ready for tomorrow's class.

Honors English II

For homework you need to construct an extended response which uses two pieces of textual support to develop your answer to a question of your choice.  At the end of Sundiata there are several questions for you to consider.  I would like for you to choose either number six, nine, or eleven and complete your extended response.  You must have a clear topic sentence which clearly answers the question; in addition, there needs to be two pieces of evidence taken directly from the text which you then explain to show how it helps to prove the point you are trying to make.  Remember to take our discussion from today's class about writing - make sure that you aren't leaving me to draw my own conclusions - make your point clear, always. 

Next class you will be working in your dramatization teams again - make sure you have anything that you need for your group to work well together.

ESL English III

I was very pleased to see all of you develop your writing today by considering the positives and negatives of a particular issue.  Next class we are going to spend some time working through our writing pieces and revising them to consider both sides of the idea of being an immigrant in America.  Make sure that you have your original drafts in which you only considered one side of the issue.

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