Friday, September 6, 2013

Homework for the Weekend - 9/6/2013

One more week down everyone!  Here are your notes for the weekend.

AP English III

First of all, here is the link to the Ken Burns documentary on PBS about the Dust Bowl.  I'd recommend looking over the photos and videos this weekend to add some more to your knowledge of what exactly this environmental catastrophe was like.  In addition, make sure that you have your copies of The Grapes of Wrath with you in class on Tuesday.  You should have notes to the end of chapter eight by the time we meet together on Tuesday.  We're doing all Grapes on Tuesday, so prepare yourselves for a great discussion and some thorough analysis. 

Did I mention having your books on Tuesday?  Make sure you bring them.

In addition, continue working on your vocabulary bookmarks.  Define the words you found today and use them in your regular conversation.  The more you use this language the better you'll find your vocabulary becoming.

Russian I

You all have your first quiz on Tuesday/Wednesday.  It will include speaking, listening, reading, and writing focusing primarily on the Cyrillic alphabet.  Make sure that you have studied thoroughly and that you are prepared by knowing all thirty-three letters of the alphabet, their sounds, their shapes in both print and handwriting, and any relevant cultural notes that we've gone over.

Please ask questions if you have them.  I'll be here after school on Monday for any last minute help.

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