Monday, May 7, 2012

Homework for English I - 5/7 and 5/8

AP Students - Your homework will be posted tomorrow.  A-day did not have a real class today due to the AP Environmental Science and AP Chemistry examinations.  Remember that timing and pacing is strange for all of us right now.  Keep up with class and the website to stay on top of all of your work during AP Exams.

English I:

I hope that all of you enjoyed the poetry tournament today.  Tonight, I want you to continue working on these poems as you build and develop your writing skills.  For homework I want you to take the poem which won for your group and compose a writing assignment. 

Standard students must compose a three-part thesis which clearly identifies the title and author, the three most significant literary devices, and the theme of your poem as you interpret it.  After you've written your thesis you'll then outline your first body paragraph.  Put your topic at the beginning and then pull out three significant quotes or examples of that device.  Under each example give me some explanation which clarifies how this particular example leads to the theme of the poem as you interpret it.  As you write the explanation, you really want to show me your thinking process.

Honors students are going to complete this same assignment but instead of writing an outline of the paragraph you will actually compose the paragraph as if you were writing a full essay.  Furthermore, you'll need to write a transition sentence at the end of your first body paragraph which would then set up the next body paragraph seamlessly.

This assignment is due to the homework box or to me before school starts on Wednesday/Thursday morning.

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