Tuesday, May 8, 2012

AP English Homework - 5/8 and 5/9

AP English III:

For right now B-day students are actually ahead of A-day students.  Today and Wednesday (A-day) will be normal classes in which we continue to work and prepare for our exam next week through our study of The Things They Carried.  Friday's class will be a bit strange due to the AP US History exam, so that will throw the A-day students off a bit.  Here are your notes and reminders to preapre for our next class.

First, please read "The Lives of the Dead" and have it heavily annotated for a class discussion on the final story in the collection.  B-day students will work through this story on 5/10 and A-day students will work through it on 5/15.  I would recommend that you have thorough cover annotations when you walk into class this day, too. 

Secondly, we will be having a discussion group workday next class (5/10 and 5/15).  In order to prepare for this I want for someone in your group to e-mail me your discussion outline as it stands now no later than the beginning of class for Thursday/Friday.  This will give me a chance to give feedback to each group when you meet and speak to each other.  Don't forget that you're leading a fifteen minute discussion.  You don't need to go through the whole story (heck, we can't even get through a whole story in an hour) but I do want to be sure that whatever you have is thorough and well-considered.  Discussion groups 1-4 will lead class on 5/14 (B-day) and 5/17 (A-day).  Discussion groups 5-8 will lead class on 5/18 (B-day) and 5/21 (A-day). 

Please come see me if you need help with your group preparations, or anything else. 

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