Thursday, March 31, 2011

Homework - 3/31/2011

It's the last day of March!  That means tomorrow is April Fool's on guard!

Freshmen:  Over the weekend I'd like for you to write a one page response about a character that you've met so far in Romeo and Juliet.  As you write your response feel free to write about any aspect of the character that you'd like.  Talk about your feeling toward the person, if they remind you of anyone in your own family, feel free to write about anything related to the character - but make sure that you stay focused on the character.  Make sure that you also pay attention to grammar and usage and writing rules.  I will be grading these pretty thoroughly.  Get it to the box on Monday or Tuesday morning.

Juniors:  Good acting today!  I hope that you enjoyed seeing how everything turned around on John Proctor here at the end of the act.  Tomorrow we'll have a quiz on Act II and III - so be sure to study tonight the key plot points, characterization and important quotations.  We'll have the quiz tomorrow as well as begin watching Mean Girls to prepare for our final paper on The Crucible.

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