Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Homework - 2 March

English I:  You all had your Benchmark Exam today, thus you have no required homework for tonight.  However, if I were you I would take this night to work on your poetry projects.  Get one of the poems written or work on the memorization aspect of your poem.  On Friday we will move on to looking at a few new kinds of poetry as we move forward through our study of poetry.

English III:  For tonight I would like for you to read Mary Rowlandson's "A Narrative of the Captivity" in the textbook.  Use the access information that I gave you today to get to the online book or use a book which you brought from class.  Complete the worksheet that goes along with the story.  As you read the story, it will be important that you all read all of the attached information including Rowlandson's biography as well as the information about Captivity Narratives.

Let me know if you've got questions!


-Fenric- said...

about the poetry project whatre the specifics about that because i missed when you talked about it and i forgot to ask.

Daniel Miller said...

You'll need to come and get a copy of the project requirements from me in class.