Friday, January 31, 2020

Homework for the Weekend - B Day - 31 January 2020

AP Lit

Today we began our work with Shakespeare's Twelfth Night! I hope that you appreciated your time at the beginning with one of Shakespeare's sonnets. There will be more work through this unit with sonnets as we continue to flex our ability to analyze older poetry.

Over the weekend there are a few tasks for you to accomplish. First, read Scene 3 and 4 of Twelfth Night. Use our note taking structure to work through the play - track Who? Where? When? What?. Take good notes/annotations so that you have them if you lose a coin toss. Second, complete four vocabulary cards - two should be from Scene 1 and 2; the other two should come from Scenes 3 and 4. Lastly, review your Companion Reading and select a text for this unit. We will have two assessments on this choice text - find something you enjoy!

AP Research

Today we shared our Elevator Pitch 2.0 in which we reviewed our questions, goals, methods, steps and hypotheses. I was happy to see some great work and some wonderful pitching and catching. The notes at the end for the good of the group are important as we build forward to our final PODs. We also have the content that we need to do Reflection 17, which has been posted.

See the slides for your reminders, notes, and calendar for February and March. It's time to collect, analyze, and write! Be done by Spring Break!

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Homework for the Weekend - 30 January 2020 - A Day

AP Research

Today we shared our Elevator Pitch 2.0 in which we reviewed our questions, goals, methods, steps and hypotheses. I was happy to see some great work and some wonderful pitching and catching. The notes at the end for the good of the group are important as we build forward to our final PODs. We also have the content that we need to do Reflection 17, which has been posted.

See the slides for your reminders, notes, and calendar for February and March. It's time to collect, analyze, and write! Be done by Spring Break!

Russian I

I am so impressed with your skills and abilities to translate and work in Russian. Great work everyone. Monday is going to be our final day to review before the examination on Wednesday. Be sure that you have fully learned your case endings and your Chapter 1 vocabulary. Review all of your old tests and quizzes as you'll see a lot of those questions on this examination.

If you haven't finished your project, be sure that it is turned in by the end of the day on Sunday. They'll be marked as late after Sunday at midnight. Remember to have one sentence per slide and a picture that goes with the slide.

Be sure to use the slides attached as you are studying and reviewing! Have a great weekend.

Advanced Russian

Today in class was our final day to learn new content before the assessment next week. The quiz will fall on Wednesday and will cover the four main verbs of motion that we have learned (to walk, to go by transit, to carry, and to transport), the A, B, C concept and related grammar like cases and prepositions.

Over the weekend complete your practice exercises and study your cards. We'll be watching an episode of Орёл и Решка and talking about their travels - great practice for Verbs of Motion.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Homework for B-Day Students // 29 January 2020

AP Literature

Today in class we had an assessment on poetry - a free response/analysis and some multiple choice questions. I was happy that some of you were able to get all twenty points on the multiple choice. We'll review the three commonly missed questions on Friday. I should have your essays returned to you early next week.

There is no homework to complete for class tonight. You should read and annotate your poems for your project (now that you've determined your rough thesis). The poem should be heavily annotated as it is half of your poster. Also, we will be starting Twelfth Night next class - make sure that you have a copy of the text to use.

AP Research

Today was our working day in preparation for Elevator Pitch 2.0 on Friday. Be ready to present to your peers on Friday. You should have slides in Assessment Task Drafts and you should have cards/a script if needed. Remember that we are building the final deal - try to make sure that things are in alignment with our rubrics, and that the paper matches the presentation.

I look forward to dropping in to some of your presentations. We'll also have our reflection for the week on Friday before we go on to Unit 4 next week!

I've also included a really helpful resource on statistical tests from Ms. Saveliff on Google Classroom. Please direct any questions to her!

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Homework for A-Day - 28 January 2020

AP Research

Today was our working day in preparation for Elevator Pitch 2.0 on Thursday. Be ready to present to your peers on Thursday. You should have slides in Assessment Task Drafts and you should have cards/a script if needed. Remember that we are building the final deal - try to make sure that things are in alignment with our rubrics, and that the paper matches the presentation.

I look forward to dropping in to some of your presentations on Thursday. We'll also have our reflection for the week on Thursday before we go on to Unit 4 next week!

I've also included a really helpful resource on Google Classroom on statistical tests from Ms. Saveliff. Please direct any questions to her!

Russian I

Today in class we finished our crazy cartoon and really focused on being able to analyze our cases as they are used in questions, answers, and various constructions. Our other key focus was on the different triggers for cases that we see in Russian. Remember that knowing the triggers, the jobs, and the endings is one of your major learning goals for this unit. Hopefully the repetition has helped.

Your projects are due at the end of the week. You should have a slide for each question and then a photo that goes along with it. Don't forget to finish the rest of your sentences on the homework. Put the words in order and make the changes that you need to make to them.

Advanced Russian

Today in class we spent a lot of time with exercises and with translations. As we do this work we are really trying to learn the way to think through these situations. Is it an A, B, or C situation? What's the tense? Is the effect of the action still there? These questions will help us to get to the proper verb.

Tonight you should complete the exercises we did not get to today - the odds. Add your notes. Determine if it's an A, B, or C. Find key words. Use your cards. Hopefully you are studying the cards regularly to learn this vocabulary.

You'll have a quiz next week on our first four verbs of motion. It'll focus on vocabulary mostly and some grammar. If you're studying the cards daily then you'll be set for the assessment. If you were absent, be sure to check the slides.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Homework for B-Day - January 27, 2020

AP Lit

Today in class we had some time for independent and small group study of poetry so that we could really compare and contrast the stylistics of poets in order to discover the period and other related elements of the author. This is a great skill to have as you are working with poetry - especially with the FRQ. Having the ability to discern and discuss these elements of poetry really differentiate a good essay from a great essay.

Tonight you should be focused on preparing for your assessment. On Wednesday we will have multiple choice and a full length essay. The assessment should take you one hour to complete. Any remaining time will be for you to work on your analysis and criticism projects. Hopefully if you didn't select a poem today, then you will on Wednesday. We'll begin Twelfth Night on Friday! There are also two more vocabulary cards to complete and add to your collection. Remember to include the quotation with the word as poets tend to use words in a non-traditional sense.

AP Research

Today in class we watched a POD presentation on sleep, cognition, perception, and placebos. I hope that the POD was helpful for you all in the idea of how to design your presentation in such a way that you hit your main ideas and guide your audience through the development of your conclusion.

The main task for us to work on right now is the work on our Elevator Pitch 2.0. This is a good time to do this as you have solidified much of your foundational work; having this work complete will give you the time you need to complete your data collection/analysis and the writing you have ahead of you.

We'll be presenting Elevator Pitch 2.0 this week on Friday as a major assignment. I hope that you are all beginning your process to collect and analyze your data. It's important that you are using this time to get what you need to answer your question.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Homework for the Weekend - A Day - 24 January

AP Research

Today in class we watched a POD presentation on sleep, cognition, perception, and placebos. I hope that the POD was helpful for you all in the idea of how to design your presentation in such a way that you hit your main ideas and guide your audience through the development of your conclusion.

The main task for us to work on right now is the work on our Elevator Pitch 2.0. This is a good time to do this as you have solidified much of your foundational work; having this work complete will give you the time you need to complete your data collection/analysis and the writing you have ahead of you.

We'll be presenting Elevator Pitch 2.0 next week on Thursday as a major assignment. I hope that you are all beginning your process to collect and analyze your data. It's important that you are using this time to get what you need to answer your question.

Russian I

Today in class we did a lot with our cases and a bit with a strange Russian cartoon. I hope that our summary of our notes on cases was helpful for you so that we can put everything in one place as we are studying and reviewing for our examination.

The exam for this unit will fall in February at the beginning of the month. It will focus on Chapter 1 vocabulary and grammar. Be sure that you are reviewing your quizzes and returned work. I'm also available outside of class for anything that you may need. As you work this weekend, be sure that you are completing the sentence building activity and actively studying. We'll also finish our projects next week.

Advanced Russian

I'm very interested to read the sentences you all put together related to Vladimir Putin and his travels around Moscow/the world. Remember that as we are working right now our goal is to learn our new verbs, the ways that they work (A, B, C actions), and the related grammar with them (prepositions and cases). I hope that the examples and the translations were helpful.

Over the weekend you should continue to actively work with our verbs of motion and related grammar by completing the activities on your worksheet. Read, annotate, and answer questions. Complete the fill in the blanks based on the item you see, and then, do some free writing. Where do you go? What do you do? Practicing and learning this system of A, B, or C is one of the best ways to understand verbs of motion.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Homework for B Day Students - 23 January - Beginning Semester Two!

AP Lit

Slides for today's work have been posted for you on Google Classroom. Remember the idea that the structure of the poem can lead you to ideas of the content in the poem. If you see a lot of structure (no matter when it was written) it probably has something to do with more traditional topics - or it's being ironic. We practiced today with Shakespeare, Drayton, Donne, and Soyinka. By doing this, we set both ends of our timeline, and next class we'll fill in the very large gap.

Tonight, as you read five additional poems, consider where they fall on the timeline. The poems are in your Perrine's book, except for Akhmatova who is posted below. We have vocabulary cards as well - they'll be collected as a set of ten at the end of the unit.

AP Research

Solid workshop today everyone. It was a day to work through our edits, apply what we've done, and make sure that our PREP folders are in a good place as I look at them this weekend.

The main focus right now is the collection of data to answer your questions. If you have been finding barriers to collection, then what can you do to solve them? Do you have the tools that you need to organize the data for answering your question? How can you work with your classmates or others in the community to accomplish the work?

Now that you've created content (your introduction) it's a good chance to remind yourself of the tools on DigitalPortfolio. TurnItIn Originality Reports can help you to find possible plagiarism in your papers. Make sure that things are cited. Use your access to the PurdueOWL if you need it. There's also an infographic posted on plagiarism and the various types.

Keep writing. Keep collecting. We'll be doing a second round of elevator pitches on January 31 with slides. Be ready for this - it's a good jumpstart on your POD. The instructions for Elevator Pitch 2.0 are on the final slide posted.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Homework for the Longest Weekend - End of Quarter 2 and Semester 1

AP Research

Solid workshop today everyone. It was a day to work through our edits, apply what we've done, and make sure that our PREP folders are in a good place as I look at them this weekend.

The main focus right now is the collection of data to answer your questions. If you have been finding barriers to collection, then what can you do to solve them? Do you have the tools that you need to organize the data for answering your question? How can you work with your classmates or others in the community to accomplish the work?

Now that you've created content (your introduction) it's a good chance to remind yourself of the tools on DigitalPortfolio. TurnItIn Originality Reports can help you to find possible plagiarism in your papers. Make sure that things are cited. Use your access to the PurdueOWL if you need it. There's also an infographic posted on plagiarism and the various types.

Over the weekend (it's really long) keep working. Keep writing. Keep collecting. We'll be doing a second round of elevator pitches on January 28 with slides. Be ready for this - it's a good jumpstart on your POD. The instructions for Elevator Pitch 2.0 are on the final slide posted.

Russian I

Today in class we took a quiz on all six cases. Part of today's quiz was also a reassessment for your first case quiz; hopefully, you felt better prepared for your case identification today and more comfortable with the task. From there - we moved to a project workshop. The goal of today's class was to finish as many of our About Myself sentences as possible, have them uploaded, and have them checked for accuracy. Hopefully working with your partner and with me helped you to do this.

We finished class reviewing the new culture project on Russian poets - remember that if you are planning to participate in the Olympiada you MUST do one of the poets listed and one of the poems in Google Classroom. If you're not planning to participate, then you can choose whom you like.

Over the long weekend you should complete the translation exercise at the end of Chapter 1. Use your vocabulary and your skills with grammar to do this. Don't use an online translator. Try to first find the words you need, put them in order, and then make the changes to the words that are needed to form the sentence (conjugate verbs, put nouns in cases). We'll review this work on Friday so that we are ready for the Unit Exam. That will happen on January 30.

Advanced Russian

Today we took a second attempt at our Unit Examinations. I hope that you were able to feel more confident in the sections that you reassessed today. From there, we went back to the mines to learn another verb of motion - to go by vehicle/transit. There's an irregular verb here - but it's really not so bad. I hope that our writing today in class (Vladimir Putin's errands around Moscow) was helpful for you to understand how the verbs work and the way that the choice of verb really does depend on the point of view of the speaker above anything else. Remember that language is a living thing; people can use it how they want. The exercises this weekend are helpful with this. Choose the correct verb for the situation and then conjugate for the needed form. You may need to translate in order to do this work.

Also be aware of how often verbs of motion are used in everyday sayings. They're are so productive in Russian!

We also have our poetry project in this class, the poet choices and poems are more weighty than those for Russian 1. Remember that you should choose a poet and poem from the Olympiada materials even if you're not planning to participate.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Homework for A Day Students - 15 January - End of Quarter 2

AP Research

It's the end of the semester and we've crossed a big bridge today with our first peer editing conferences on our academic papers. I hope that you were able to get good feedback from your classmates related to the work that you have already done. Remember to make edits, update, but always keep what you have done.

I've posted the newest reflection - the final one for this semester. It relies on the peer editing work that you did today, so be sure to reflect using the comments from your classmates.

I'll be looking over your PREP folders this weekend for your final check. Be sure that your task log, conferences, reflections, and assessment task drafts folders are updated. You should also have everything from the first check. Other than that, it's time to be mining for data. Collect, group, analyze, consider, and work! The more you do, the better it is!

Russian I

Today in class we finished watching The Irony of Fate, and we built sentences using our cases about the actions in the film. Remember that next class you'll have your final quiz on cases! It'll be very similar to your first quiz. Focus on the jobs of the cases and the endings, a lot of you did great with this work today in class.

Remember that next class is the last class of the quarter. If you have any rubles or Falcon Feathers for extra credit, be sure to have them.

Advanced Russian

Today we launched into a new unit on verbs of motion. Today we focused on learning some of the theory related to verbs of motion like uni versus multidirectional; A, B, and C actions; and the new stem (t-d). Tonight, focus on learning these new words and vocabulary.

We have some reading tonight to help with the new work. Read the five dialogues that I gave you and find the verbs of motion. Consider if they are A, B, or C type actions. Where are the related grammar points?

Be ready for test corrections on Friday and the end of the quarter/semester!

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Homework for B Day Students - 14 January

AP Research

Great work today researchers! We had a solid lesson in which we reviewed the instructions to the academic paper and the rubric - a good task for us to complete as we are working to construct our own drafts. For tonight you should continue writing your introduction/lit review in advance of our writing workshop. To help you with this I have attached two additional sample papers. These papers are examples of the middle/lower side of the rubric. Take a look and assess them in the same way we did in class. Consider what changes could be made to further solidify their work.

AP Literature

Great work today everyone! Thank you for sharing your poems with us, they were amazing!
Make sure to:
1. Turn in your Poet Projects to the assignment tab on Google Classroom.
2. Recite your poems to me, if you have not already, some morning this week!
3. Turn in any missing assignments this Thursday!
4. Bring falcon feathers and rubles to class on Thursday and make sure you know which assignments you want them added to!
See everyone on Thursday!

Monday, January 13, 2020

Homework for A Day - January 13, 2020

Advanced Russian

Today we had an exam so there are no slides to post. Continue to study your vocabulary and review any grammar topics where you encountered difficulty. I'll have your exams scored for you ASAP and then we will do corrections before the end of the quarter on Friday. Be sure that you have checked for any missing assignments on PowerSchool since this is the last week of the grading period.

Russian I

Tonight everyone there's not much to take care of - take a look at the reading in Chapter 1. It's the paragraph at the end of the vocabulary section - read through the paragraph, translate it, and find the cases that are being used. The translation and the endings would be the most helpful thing for you here.

Next class we'll finish The Irony of Fate and do some review for our reassessment. The reassessment is on Friday. Be ready, study and prepare!

AP Research

Great work today researchers! We had a solid lesson in which we reviewed the instructions to the academic paper and the rubric - a good task for us to complete as we are working to construct our own drafts. For tonight you should continue writing your introduction/lit review in advance of our writing workshop. To help you with this I have attached two additional sample papers on Google Classroom. These papers are examples of the middle/lower side of the rubric. Take a look and assess them in the same way we did in class. Consider what changes could be made to further solidify their work.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Weekend Work - A Day - 9 January

AP Research

It was a writing day for our introductions and lit reviews today. I hope that you were able to generate content and spend time locking in some of the preliminary work - a really important task as we get ready to collect, analyze, and organize data in order to answer our questions.

Into this weekend we have several things to accomplish. First, the fifteenth reflection has been posted for you. Additionally, you should continue to update your PREP folder as you are working. Log your tasks. Note your progress. Update your communication.

Next week is the last week of the quarter. We will have a lesson from College Board on the academic paper before more time for writing. The last day of the quarter will be a peer editing workshop. I think that it will be a productive day for us all.

Russian I

Today in class we learned our fifth case declensions - the instrumental case. Remember that this case is used with the word "with" in Russian. It's used to say how the action got done, what was used to complete it, and it's also used with greetings related to holidays. We did a quick practice activity before going on to our movie.

Over the weekend you have a worksheet like our warm-up today. Look at the English sentences and determine which case would be needed. Think about the different case jobs we've learned! This is a great practice for you.

Advanced Russian

Today in class we had our reassessment on numbers, time, and also on complex sentences with который - all important skills for our exam next week. After our reassessment time we had a chance to work through the various expressions that Russians use to talk about time. I know that it's confusing, but if you try to see that each preposition has a particular job, that helps to clarify it.

I've given you a lot of exercises and guides to help you through this unit. Review and prepare this weekend for the exam. You'll have the exam on Monday and a chance to make corrections on Friday.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

1/8/20 Updates and Homework - B Day Students

AP English Literature and Composition 

Hello everyone!

Thank you for being courteous and cooperative as I filmed for my portfolio today. I also hope we got a great review of AP style question traps while also analyzing Rich's poem "Diving into the Wreck." Always keep in mind about the theme of identity when we continue to read her and other poems in this unit.

1.  Read Sylvia Plath's "Spinster" (987)
2. Read Adrienne Rich's "Living in Sin" (706)
Compare and contrast their writing styles and themes!

See you on Friday!

AP Research 

Today in class we watched our third POD presentation. Hopefully my opening comment of "lots of little mistakes" made sense as we discussed scoring and applied the rubric to this POD. We've finished watching for now, there will be another round in April as we prepare our own PODs.

Remember our discussion today on PREP folders. They are useful. They are needed. They are important. You should be working on updating your PREP folders daily and they should reflect where you are in your process.

The main goal right now is to write. You should be actively constructing your introduction. We will peer edit these next week on Thursday. Be ready with a working draft.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Homework for A-Day: 7 January 2020

AP Research

Today in class we watched our third POD presentation. Hopefully my opening comment of "lots of little mistakes" made sense as we discussed scoring and applied the rubric to this POD. We've finished watching for now, there will be another round in April as we prepare our own PODs.

Remember our discussion today on PREP folders. They are useful. They are needed. They are important. You should be working on updating your PREP folders daily and they should reflect where you are in your process. If you don't understand what you need to do before the second check, let's be sure to talk on Thursday.

The main goal right now is to write. You should be actively constructing your introduction. We will peer edit these next week on Wednesday. Be ready with a working draft.

Russian I

Good work today reviewing our key cases - nominative, accusative, genitive, and prepositional. It's a good time for us to review since the grammar section of the last quiz was a very difficult section for all of us. I hope that as you reflected on your work on the quiz you were able to see your mistakes and correct them.

From there we went on to our projects about ourselves. Remember that for this project you should write an answer for each question and pair that with a sentence. This is a great way for us to review our cases and learn them. I gave you some additional exercises on accusative and genitive to help you.

Don't forget to review the information on Olympiada so that I can register you. It's a fun day!

Advanced Russian

Today was a day for reviewing before our big exam next week on Monday. Russian II students presented their work and shared new words with us as we dealt a bit more with aspect. Then we worked with our particular grammar topics related to counting, numbers, aspect, time expressions, and verbal adverbs. Use these exercises to continue to prepare for your unit examination.

Next class we'll have our numbers reassessment and have some final practice work before the examination. Be ready with exercises complete to show if asked. There's also the Olympiada materials below. Take a look at the requirements for competition and let me know on Thursday if you plan to compete.

Monday, January 6, 2020

We're Back! 6 January 2020 - B Day

So good to see all of you and your beautiful faces! Remember that the year is going to be moving really fast as we go to our next big checkpoint - AP Examinations. Stay on your work and keep meeting your goals.

AP Literature

Hey everyone! Thank you for contributing great insights about Plath's "Metaphors." I am so impressed that we understood her overall message when reading the poem for the first time. I would encourage everyone to look at some of Plath's other poems!

Make sure that we study the TPCASTT process and how to apply it to a given poem.
If you want to practice TPCASTT for the quiz on Wednesday, I would apply it to Adrienne Rich's poem, "Miracle Ice Cream."

Also, don't forget that your poet projects are due next Tuesday! This is a hard and fast deadline! 

AP Research

Great work today and so good to see all of you! Remember that there's a lot for us to accomplish moving forward and that class is going to start moving in a lot of different directions as we work to collect and analyze our data. Work with each other. Help each other. Reach out to me when you need me.

Remember to fill out our checkpoint for today's PREPTime. Additionally, we have a writing goal coming up. You should be writing! Put things together. Use your templates.

Reach out with any questions you may have. Your final PREPCheck will be at the end of the quarter and will count double. I'll be checking the same folders, you'll just be adding two more reflections for this week and next.