Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Homework for A Day - 4 December 2019

AP Research

Tomorrow is our next major milestone! IRB Day! I'll be meeting with the committee to review your work and get you the approval to begin your data collection and interaction with subjects. I'm excited and a bit scared for tomorrow, but I think that it'll go well. I hope to be able to give you a word on your approval or revisions at the end of the day on Thursday.

Tonight you should be writing. That's really the goal while you're waiting to hear what comes next. Next class we'll be having an AP Research lesson to help us prepare for the steps ahead. Use this time to get a handle on what you already have. Don't forget to finish your method outlines if you did not show them to me today.

Russian I

Great work today with your translations, vocabulary and grammar! I'm very impressed with what you were all able to do and produce today. Remember that we have a test on Friday on grammar and vocabulary. You'll be really successful if you study your vocabulary from Chapter 1 and the grammar skills we used in the translations.

Don't forget that you have the chance to earn a lot of extra credit with your exercise review. You have to turn it in at the beginning of class on Friday to get credit for it. I've also put our song down below so that you can keep listening. We'll practice more on Friday after the test.

Advanced Russian

Today we continued working with our vocabulary in order to be able to write a brief story. Remember that as we do this work related to vocabulary development, you have to realize that this is how you study for Russian. You have to use and do in order to really learn.

From there we had time for our projects related to culture or grammar before wrapping up our review of the various exercises we've been working on to solidify our grammar knowledge. Remember that you have a grammar quiz next week on Tuesday. To finish our preparation you'll be working on Holiday Shopping, Russian style.

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