Friday, December 6, 2019

Weekend Homework - A Day - 6 December

AP Research

I'm such a proud papa bear today! The major goal for the weekend is to apply your revisions and then keep moving forward. Some of you are ready to start collecting your participants. Some of you are really ready to get started. Some just need to do some more tweaking to move fully forward. If you were given revisions today, you can clear them with me - you do not have to resubmit to the full IRB.

Don't forget that we also have a  new reflection question posted in our log. I'll be checking PREP folders over Winter Break - Do make sure that they are complete.

Lastly - here are the IRB review notes for the whole group:

1. Change definite number for surveys, etc. to “a convenient sample”
2. All parental consent forms should list the teacher (Daniel Miller) as the primary contact.
3. Student emails and contact information should not be shared.   “AP Research Student”
4. How will you get your sample of students to test?  How will you standardize the interview, etc. when there are multiple times?
5. Use clear operational definitions related to the study  – operational words “Phone use”, “Christianity”,
6. Standardization of any study – can’t go off script when doing an interview
7. Someone should be able to come behind you and replicate your study; everything should be documented
8. Limitations –  Consider these along the way to articulate at the end
9. Gender question: Male/Female/Nonbinary / Prefer not to respond
10. How are students coding research responses?
11. What is unique to your study?  What data will you find that is not already published? How does your work contribute to the body of knowledge?
12. Incentives for the survey, focus groups, etc…  - just to consider

Please reach out as you complete your revisions and move forward to beginning your research!

Russian I

Today we took an examination, so we don't have much work to do tonight. Keep working on studying your vocabulary, especially if that was a troublesome part for your work today in class. You'll have a chance to retake the test before we leave for break.

Tonight and over the weekend interact with Russian. Watch a Russian TV show with subtitles online. YouTube has some, but the Russian TV Channels also have a lot of stuff online. Check out or There's also plenty of Russian music on Spotify - listen and pay attention to lyrics! Catch the words that you can.

Advanced Russian

Today we spent most of our class speaking and listening to Russian. It's my hope that the more we speak and interact with the language that we'll get more comfortable with using Russian and get more proficient in our grammar and vocabulary skills.

This weekend you should be preparing for your grammar quizzes on Tuesday. The quiz will cover recent grammar topics like counting, making aspect choices (Russian II), using time expressions of various types (Russian III), and participle usages (Russian IV). We've reviewed plenty of vocabulary and grammar these past classes as well as the exercises related to these skills. Use what you have to prepare and ask for anything else that you may need.

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