Friday, December 20, 2019

Final Day! 20 December 2019 - A Day

That'll do it, y'all! I hope that you all had a wonderful last day of school for the year today. Remember to rest, relax, and recharge. When we come back it's a pretty quick march forward into summer (I know that sounds crazy, but trust me, it's going to fly by!)

AP Research

Off we go to Winter Break! Today we watched at POD on American Anti-Semitism and discussed the ways in which the rubric is applied to this particular presentation. This presentation allows us to see another approach to the structure of the slides and presentation, as a whole. Remember that there are positives and negatives in each presentation that we watch - it's important to view these as a guide for your own future work and decisions.

Over the break you should be working through your process. If you are able to collect data - move forward into that, so that you are able to spend January analyzing and drawing connections. If you aren't able to, find your participants - make your groups - make your hypothesis - WRITE YOUR STUFF!

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Russian Classes (Russian I and Advanced Russian)

I hope that you all appreciated the New Year celebrations in class today. We did things that Russians do for New Year - and that was the point as we engaged in cultural practices today. Over the break there is no homework assigned, but you should spend some time each day with Russian. If you're preparing for an exam or reassessment, great. If you're studying vocabulary, fantastic! Be sure to spend a bit of time each day on Russian so that you are building up and not tearing down. С новым годом студенты!

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