Thursday, February 14, 2019

Homework for the Weekend - Valentine's Day - B Day

AP Seminar

You did it! Achievement unlocked! You presented your TMPOD and we are moving on to our next task. I am very proud of the work that you all did today and the way that you all rose to the occasion. I have released the stimulus pack to you through Digital Portfolio. We will start working through this on Monday as we begin Performance Task 2. I would recommend reviewing the documents this weekend, considering any connections you may see between them, and then being ready for some focused study of these documents over the next few classes.

Don't forget to complete the Week 2 Reflection as well as submit your IRR to Digital Portfolio this weekend.

Advanced Russian

This weekend we should all be focused on project work and reviewing verbs of motion that may have been challenging to us on the quiz today. On Google Classroom you'll see slides for today which include the example slide for your project. Use this as an example of what to do as you are working.

The other project is our poetry memorization - this should be complete on Monday or Wednesday. Come in and present your poem to me aloud. If it's not good enough, I'll invite you to return.

Russian III Students need to complete reading in your textbook - pages 419 to 421 review the conditional and hypothetical in Russian. Review these pages and take notes so that we can review the concept on Monday. This is the last grammar concept before our Unit 10 examination.

Russian I

Today in class we did a lot of great writing and speaking to focus on the different cases, their sounds, and their jobs. We reviewed our film and discussed Nadya's actions through the film. From there, we spent time with our laptops working through our projects about ourselves.

This weekend you should finish the draft of your slides and writing. There should be an answer for each slide and there should be a photo. By the end of the project you should have used all six cases, a variety of verbs, and practiced with a lot of your Russian language skills. I'm available all week to review your work with you.

There are also our poem projects. Have your four lines memorized so that you can get your easy A on this assignment. You can come to me at any point next week to perform your poem.

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