Friday, February 15, 2019

Homework for the Weekend - A Day - 15 February

AP English III

I hope that all of you enjoyed our foray into philosophy today. Emerson's text is definitely one that makes a lot more sense the second time that you read it. I would highly suggest working through the text again, especially if you did not have any visible annotations on the article. Not good enough. Not anymore.

This weekend you should begin your Transcendentalist for a Week project. As we discussed in class, it doesn't have to be giving up something - but you should be aiming to simplify your existence in some way in order to discover a higher truth. Keep in mind that you have daily reflections as well as your overall reflection - everything will be collected via Google Drive. The due date for this work is 2/25 (seven days from the 18th).

Your reading for this weekend is Thoreau's "Where I Lived and What I Lived For" - this can be found in 50 Essays, or via this link. As you read, consider the similarities and differences between Thoreau and Emerson. Why is Thoreau so focused on simplicity? How does he continue to build on the trends of Transcendentalism and use paradoxes in his writing?

Both Thoreau and Emerson give you a wonderful opportunity for vocabulary cards - your next set for these two texts will be due on Thursday (on paper or electronic submission - if you're doing electronic, please continue to build on the same set as before).

Lastly, you should be actively researching and continuing to refine your research scope, focus, and question. I'll return the research question forms to you on Tuesday. Your next step is the outline. Be sure that you are working on this daily! Collect sources and consider how you will develop and prove your argument.

English IV

Today in class we focused on correcting our vocabulary unit tests as well as understanding how to use context clues when working on filling in the blank type of activities. From there it was a lot of independent work as we went through our poems and focused on determining the theme of the poem we are studying. This weekend, we don't really have any homework to complete. I would suggest though, that if your Poet Research Project is incomplete or has a low score that you work on that this weekend to make sure it has all of the needed parts.

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