Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Homework for 13 February - A Day - PLC Day

Happy Early Release Day! Here are your reminders for Friday.

AP English III

You have now received your information on registration for next year. Remember that you have due dates and expectations. Please see me outside of class for recommendations on what to take next year based on my opinion - and I'll remind you that it's just that, my opinion.

For tonight you should complete the reading of Emerson's "The Over Soul" as well as complete your research topic planning document in full. I'll be collecting your research topics on Friday. We'll be doing a lot of discussion and work with Emerson on Friday as we understand what exactly the "Over Soul" is and what Emerson wants us to know about it. We'll also be getting more into the weeds on the philosophy of Transcendentalism. Your notes from Monday would be key in working through Emerson's writing. Our brief discussion and notes on rhetorical modes are also helpful and important. I posted an electronic version of the text in Google Classroom if you need it.

If there is anything that has not been graded or submitted for the Beloved unit then your time is quickly escaping. Books should be turned in tomorrow before school if they were missed today. Please see PowerSchool for the most updated information including those of you who are still missing an element of your final projects.

English IV

Today in class we started to end our unit on studying and reading poetry by completing our final TP-CASTT study of a poem as a group. Then, we transitioned into working independently on our own poetry study. Remember that this poetry study is going to end in a formal writing assignment. An essay in which you explain what the poem that you have chosen means to you and how the poet has developed that meaning to you.

If you did not finish your individual TP-CASTT sheet in class, it is important that you finish that for homework. I'll return the ones that I have on Friday and then we'll get started with writing and planning our essay responses.

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