Monday, February 4, 2019

Homework for B-Day Students: Monday, February 4th

AP Seminar

As we thought about during our warm-up activity today, now is the time to be editing and refining. Consider the fact that this is our last week of preparation. We'll be sharing and submitting our TMPODs next week to be scored. Are you ready? Have you done the necessary work to be prepared? Have you videotaped yourself or recorded your speaking? Are you reading or presenting? How are your slides and IRRs?

These are all questions that should be answered in a firm and affirmative way. If you are having issues or concerns, I hope that you addressed those in your reflection this week.

Advanced Russian

Today in class we began the process of wrapping up our work with verbs of motion. We learned our final verb - to run - reviewed many of our prefixes/prepositions, and then we took some time to work through our key exercises. For homework, your first goal should be to finish the remaining exercises.

Remember to find new vocabulary, to consider the destinations and contexts for the actions, and to use your verb cards or other resources. Next week on Tuesday we'll have a quiz on verbs of motion. This should help to prepare you for that quiz.

Also, you should be focused on your poems. Friday will be a class devoted to your projects - for researching and writing in the library. On Friday I'll be calling you over to complete your poem recitation for me.

Russian I

Today in class we had a massive review of our six cases in Russian. We went over the specific jobs of each of the cases as well as the ways that the different cases change the ending of words. The slides in Google Classroom are really helpful for this. Then, we worked through our dialogue in Chapter One as well as our exercise where we changed words for the different cases. Completing the exercise was a great review for us of the process of declensions in Russian.

Tonight for homework you should be focused on memorization. You have your poems on Friday, and you are expected to know four lines. As I said in class, you will continue to do this project until it is perfect. So keep working at it. I'm available to help as much as you may need. On Tuesday of next week we'll have our quiz on the last three cases in Russian (Genitive, Dative, Instrumental). It'll be very similar to your last quiz, so know your case jobs and how to change your words!

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