Friday, January 25, 2019

Homework for the Weekend - B Day - 25 January

Today is the last B-Day of the quarter. Any work that is missing at 4:00 today is missing. No changes will be made to grades past today.

AP Seminar

Today in AP Seminar we worked through a high-scoring sample IRR in order to identify key areas and strategies in order to connect with our reading and display all the things that we are doing in order to earn our points on the rubric.

Over the weekend, we should begin fully transitioning to our TMPOD tasks. It's time for us to look at what we have done, finalize that work, and then keep moving forward to our final goals. As I said today in class, a lot of this is constantly revising and reflecting to find the ways to draw our circle smaller. Keep supporting each other!

Advanced Russian

Today in class we worked through our map of Russia and Moscow in order to use various verbs of motion in order to talk about going from Point A to Point B. Remember that as we do this there are clear rules for our cases and prepositions so that we can understand what was the beginning point and what was the destination.

As you are working this weekend, be sure that you work through our sample exercises. At this point you should have the majority of them done and you should feel as though you have a clear understanding of when to use and A, B, or C action as well as when to distinguish between perfective or imperfective action.

Additionally, we have our poetry recitation coming due on the 8th of February. Russian III students will also have the L2L Symposium on the 1st of February. Practice and speak in order to accomplish your tasks well!

Russian I

As I said today at the beginning of class we are moving into a time where the classroom and the work is becoming very individualized. It is important that you study, practice, review, and ask questions regularly so that you can understand the content. It's also important that if you are dissatisfied with your performance that you quickly redo the assignments to show your improvement. This is how you grow and succeed. As we wrap up this quarter, and semester, consider what you need to do to be successful in this class - it's different for each of you.

For the weekend, you should be focused on your cases. By this point we know five of the six cases - Nominative, Accusative, Prepositional, Genitive, and Dative. Learn your declensions. Know your usages. Be able to alter words in order to show the cases. The exercise - 1.8 - is very helpful in learning these changes. Additionally, you should know the vocabulary in Chapter 1. We've been continuing to focus on this language through our course so far.

Lastly, you have the poem recitations due on the 8th of February. Know your four lines!

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